[img]http://ibin.co/1txpilfqQjtM[/img] [color=orange][h3]Description:[/h3][/color] Not many residents of the nearby peaceful town of Summerlyn knew about the old farm on the other side of the forest. The owners, a husband and wife with their young daughter, of the farm made extremely infrequent monthly visits. With their farm clothes coated in soil and their less than appropriate mannerisms, some almost believed that they lived in the forest itself. The farmers usually bought certain few supplies at the grocery store and sold farm products that they had brought. Sometimes the father would stop at the bar and sit in a quiet corner with a drink. The entire family would reply when spoken to, but they always avoided conversing with the townsfolk. Pretty soon, they'd be off in the direction of the forest again, not to be seen for another month. Because of their rare visits, few noticed when the family ceased to visit altogether, and the few that did simply didn't care. The once barely known farm faded into absolute obscurity. When the internet has been cut off for the afternoon, what better activity than to go exploring in the forest? Many things, but that's what the teenagers of the town, some less willing than others, decided to do. It wasn't long before they were completely lost inside the surprisingly large forest. After many hours of wandering through the trees, they emerged on the other side of the forest and soon discovered the abandoned farm. A gray dirt path lead to its front door, fields of corn on either side. Seeing as the sun was setting already and there wasn't any obvious way back, the group decided to stay the night at the farmhouse. It was abandoned, it couldn't hurt. They just simply didn't know that they were about to meet the reason for the disappearance of the previous owners... [color=orange][h3]character Sheet:[/h3][/color] Name: Age: [Preferred (not completely restricted to) age range: 14-18 years old] Appearance: Personality: Short bio: [color=orange][h3]Current Players:[/h3][/color] [s][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/whitewolf]Whitewolf[/url][/b][/s] - Kira Middleton [s][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/oakman]oakman[/url][/b] - Marcus Gritt[/s] [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/valkyr]Valkyr[/url][/b] - Anne Brooks [s][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/scienmalefica]ScienMalefica[/url][/b] - Orion Takahashi[/s] [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/xxsinxx]xXSINXx[/url][/b] - Alexi Rayne [s][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/otaku95]Otaku95[/url][/b] - Gideon Drake[/s] [color=orange][h3]Note:[/h3][/color] -Do your best at following the forum rules and all that good stuff. -Do your best at writing clear English. I understand if you have trouble with English but just try, okay? -The role-play is going to be horror themed. The situation is dangerous, and it might just be possible for your character to die. Be ready to face the darkness. -Yes, the creature is the [url=http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Rake]Rake[/url]. -The preferred age range for the characters is 14 to 18. Of course you can go a bit outside that range, but don't go overboard. -Ask questions and stuff. -More stuff may be added.