I don't believe in any set-in-stone god/s, so let somebody from the "nonbeliever" side level with you right quick. I was brought up Christian; had all three of my Holy Sacraments, used to go to church every Sunday. Y'know, the standard fare. But I never really [i]really[/i] believed. There's no need to; having faith in someone/something bigger than yourself can be nice and all, but I personally find that the person/thing you need to have faith in more than any deity is yourself. Don't let doubt cloud your mind on this; every tree bears a few bad apples and the Mormon community you live with just might be some bad apples. If you think Jesus died for our sins on the cross and got back up, then believe. I personally think the story's a bit far-fetched, but won't discard the chance that there's some truth buried in there. There's no rule saying you [i]MUST[/i] keep your faith set in stone at all times. Try a few other religions out for a little while and see if any of them call out to you more than Non-Denominational Christianity. I hear Buddhism is pretty neat. And if you try one and think "Hey, this is way better than what I used to believe in", then believe in that from now on. If not, then you can choose to stick to your old faith or even soldier on without need for such things as a god or higher being. I think more than anything, God would want his creations to be happy...unless, y'know, he's still an evil sadistic fuck like in the Old Testament. Just be good to others and yourself, and things should work out for you. That's the kind of thing I believe in, at least. This came out a lil' longer than I expected. Hope it helped you in some way though :)