[i][b][center][h3]Caravan Escort[/h3][/center][/b][/i] Slowly the guard got to his feet before Ssarak and Meirin flanked him, but when they did he was defenseless. In his daze he did not pick up his sword or shield, but the snarl on his face made it clear that he still had some fight in him. But slowly that snarl turned into a weaken glare as the captain began to sway, coughing violently. Once he had finished hacking his lung he raised a hand out, as though he was asking Ssarak and Meirin to give him a moment. "Yes, yes! We... We don't need to fight. This, I hope, is a misunderstanding... Please, let me explain." The captain sat down to rest, seeing that he wasn't even in any shape to stand. He look a few deep breaths before he started to explain himself. "My name is Gran Soren. I am a captain of the Tide Tower barony. Recently my men and I have been assigned to protect a toll bridge, much like this one, but... Something, at some point, went amiss... You'd have to believe me when I say that we don't belong here. Not that my men know this, but at some point I was attacked by something, likely vampires given recent news. They must have turned me into a thrall or something. I know this might sound strange, but it was like... Like I could see my body act like some sort of primal animal. You saw it, didn't you? My aggression, the fury, that wasn't me! I... I was enthralled with some sort of magic. For the past few weeks my men and I have been protecting this toll as we were told, but sometimes I simply blank out. The next thing I know we have a large supply that, from what I've been told, we've acquisition from bandits and need to send back to Hysteria. Of course I knew in my heart this was a lie but I had no way to know the truth. The best I could do was try to remember anyone who wasn't with me when I came here. I know there was always one stranger who came by, and I believe he was the one who would continue to enthrall me in order to control me and my men." The captain then explained to Ssarak and Meirin everything else he knew. He told them about the pale guard, who was the only one who was able to break out of the spell but was than turned by vampires. When (Or if) told about the robed man, Gran becomes furious as he knows that he was the one who continued to manipulate him and his guardsmen with magic. He ensures everyone that he'll deal with the mage, but doesn't know who the mage's affiliation is. His emblem was unfamiliar to Gran through he does mention that he's seen something like it in Hysteria, near the trade guilds. Beyond that he also tells the group of the recent troubles Djarkel has been suffering from, including demons becoming more rampant than usual, cult activities, and oddly enough peace amongst the baronies. However this peace is more like an interlude before a great war, as all the baronies have pout as many men and women they can grab into their armies. War was coming, and with all the chaos that came with it. Gran's tone makes it clear that he has no interest in the war regardless of why it's being fought. The way Gran dismisses the resurgent of demons suggests that he is unaware of the attack at the College. The last thing that Gran tells the caravan escort before they would part ways is for them not to travel at night: As he said before vampires roam this part of Djarkel and if possible it would be best for you to set up a defensive camp as soon as night falls. He also assures the group that he holds them no hard feelings about fighting him and his men, thankfully unaware of Alaira's involvement in the first place. The last thing that the group might have seen before continuing on was Gran helping his last guard back to his feet as he casually snapped the neck of the robed man. Hours past without much more trouble. Night was falling and there was no inn's or villages near by. Taking the captain's suggestion, as soon as the moon was half-way up the horizon he had stopped the wagon at an abandoned roadside shop. The caravan master recognizes it as a former traveler's rest shop: Back when Djarkel had a much less bandit activity entrepreneurs would set up shops literally in the middle of nowhere like this to peddle supplies and services to caravanners and travelers. But as bandits became more common the isolated shops became easy targets for the outlaws and eventually abandoned. There was nothing within this building worth noting, but at least it would provide shelter from the elements and could be fitted with a padlock. The caravan master wanted one of the college students to stay outside to keep watch and protect the wagon: while he can unhitch the horse from it he didn't want her to run off on her own, otherwise they would be stuck here. He suggest everyone taking shifts. Taking a few logs from the wagon the caravan master makes a fire at the store's hearth. He would make dinner for everyone, though all it was is a very bland tasting gruel. He distances himself from Alaira and seems to ignore her as much as he can. Weather wise there were a few clouds in the night sky and a crescent moon. It was approximately 9-10 at night. Before heading to bed the caravan told everyone that they will be leaving before sunrise. [i][b][center][h3][color=crimson]Lucilia Riovas[/color][/h3][/center][/b][/i] Lucilia shook her head in mild disappointment. [color=crimson]"As if willful ignorance is a better alternative, [b]Headmaster[/b]. I'm almost offended that you would think that we, some of the most brilliant minds in the world, would not be able to understand your plight... Or maybe you simply don't trust us."[/color] Lucilia's voice became somber at that thought. She had no doubts that she has done some questionable things in the past as well, and that she has made plans for everyone betraying her or the college, even Khan himself. And yet she still trusts them enough to let them know any issues or flaws she's dealing with in the hopes that together they could find a solution. It really did make Lucilia wonder what was so wrong with Khan that he would hide it from the others. And more importantly how serious it was that no one has figured it out yet. Before she continued Lucilia took a pocket watch out from one of her pockets. Unlike the rest of today's new applicants, she actually did have a new student scheduled to come in today. He should be in at around this time, and soon there was a knock on the door. Rubbing her tired eyes Lucilia went to her desk to prepare the papers. [color=crimson]"I have another new applicant to handle, [b]Headmaster[/b]. As your personal physician I am telling you that you need to rest. No more experiments, no magic, just relax and don't hurt yourself. Retire to your room and I'll be sure to bring you whatever documents that warrant your attention. With so much going on just this past few hour I'm sure I can find something for you to work on."[/color] Taking one last breath to compose herself Lucilia unlocked her door. With a wave of her hand the door opened, revealing one of the college guardsmen and a stout dwarf with a strange arm. [color=crimson]"Greetings, Gadd Skorne! Welcome to the Twilight College. I am Lucilia Riovas, Professor of Herbmancy and general secretary of the college. I hope that your travels here were peaceful. If you can come take a seat I'll show you everything you need to know and fill out for the college."[/color] [i][b][center][h3][color=a187be]Annabeth Gulch[/color][/h3][/center][/b][/i] It was late by the time Annabeth and her team had returned from the forest. They had collected quite a bit of supplies to use for fletching, which hopefully Aramir and Auriel will be able to make use of. Annabeth also continued to carry Arcadius around her neck, largely ignoring his chatter but occasionally listening on the off chance that he might say something important or insightful. When they arrived back at the camp Eural seemed to have lost his patience with the group. While Annabeth was initially embarrassed for taking so much time, she did speak out in their defense. [color=a187be]"Sorry for taking so long, but we're not going to simply throw ourselves at at the roc and hope for the best. We need these materials to have a fighting chance against the roc. From what you tell us, killing it would be... Impossible with our current equipment. But hopefully we can cobble something together that would at least allow us to put that damn bird out of commission long enough to grab the wagons and get out."[/color] As Annabeth was putting the items into the back of the wagon the horse bite her sleeve. She initially was startled, but seeing it lick it's mouth hungrily Annabeth just smiled. If she was a better Psychomancer she would have tried to communicate with it, though she should save her mage blood for the roc. [color=a187be]"Wait here, I'll get you a snack."[/color] As Annabeth put the supplies into the back of the wagon she suck the horse a carrot from her lunch. It was hard and dry, but really the only thing she had to give it. She rubbed the horse's mane and cooed it softly. [color=a187be]"We're going to need your help soon. Be strong and I promise that we'll all come home safe and sound."[/color] Giving the horse a reassuring smile Annabeth went to the back of the wagon and started to weave the vine and plant fibers into a rope. That much she can do. She still needed Aramir and Auriel to make the arrows however. And with Eural so eager to ride towards their doom they needed to come back soon.