Mike nodded and headed towards the shuttle, looking at Rheese for a brief moment and deciding it might be best to inform the man about who he was. So once everyone was inside the shuttle, Mike walked up to the man. "I'm Mike Rogers sir, one of the mechanics. I missed yesertday's flight and was told to take this flight instead." The boy explained, looking up to Rheese. Claire looked at Rheese and gave the man a friendly smile, before entering the shuttle and taking place in the shuttle. She kept a seat next to her free for her sister, who, unsurprisingly, decided to choose a seat as far away from everyone else. Claire let out a soft sigh, but tried to not let it bother her. After all, she knew it was nothing personal, she was just always like that. Unlike the other two, Blythe dien't show any kind of smile towards Rheese, or paid any attention to him at all, for that matter. She picked out the so far still loneliest seat and took place there, away from everyone else, which was just great to her. If nobody would bother her, than she would behave just fine.