[h3]Bride[/h3] Bride even though was having a hard time thinking on what to say Rei was able to do it. "Ah yes m-map!" He clapped his hands together and nodded back. Rei probably was more smart with those things than him. HE took the map from the friendly janitor, it was nice of him to give a map to them. "T-thank you!" but once Bride looked at it...it was a pure headache. "Uuuhhhhh....." He titled it multiple times and still couldn't understand it. Bride knew he wasn't that smart but still though the map might even confused a lot of people. "C-can you show us?...it hard t-to understand....uuhh...um t-thhank you again!" He continued to look at the map as he asked the janitor for help. He forgot to ask Rei though about it since she was nervous earlier. "Ah, sorry Rei...i-is it okay for you if we get a tour i-instead?"Bride blush as he forgot to consider her feelings instead.