I once was in a roleplay where one of the players bombed one of the major structures of one of the mightiest nations in the world and made them declare war on the wrong target which just happened to be the actual bad guys in hiding, completely shifting the balance of power in that universe and also the impending war alerted normal people of the existence of magic and the majority of the two sides was decimated allowing said character to waltz in and make friends with the leaders of one side (the attackers whose building she blew up), forcing the leaders of the opposing side (those being framed) to put their evil master-plot into motion which failed and then they got thoroughly annihilated, with everything calming down first after said character had become friends with some of the world's strongest people and become world-famous as a hero that took down the enemies without anyone actually knowing she had made the stronger faction pounce at them by bombing one of their buildings and framing the bad guys. All the other characters were pretty much just hanging on for the ride at that point. Eh, we had fun regardless. Though, that wasn't here. Haha.