Hmm... I like your style. I guess I'll make my interest official. These days I'm casting my net a little wider. RP survival rate is weak these days. :( And the ones I've joined don't look so good. I think they might be bitten and might wound up dead anytime soon XD But really, I hope that's not the case because they're quite awesome. It's funny that you should mention a Katana-wielding Navy Seal, because the character I've been using happens to be a Katana-wielding UN peacekeeper from Japan (To explain the Katana, it's because he's a medical officer in the 2nd Kyonshikirapeitai Division, an army unit put together hastily that specialises in combating zombies). He's balanced by not excelling in modern warfare due to being forced into the military, having had a long and fruitful career in medicine before. His most recent medical stint was as a... *drumroll* pediatrician :) So he's good-natured and pacifistic and would have preferred to spend all his time with children if it weren't for the dead deciding to join the tea party. He happens to be quite popular, having been accepted (though only tentatively by the GM in the second RP, who will defer to her Co-GM) twice on last count. I plan to reuse him again here if this RP really takes off, as my alternative (I don't see a half-mad but hardened 10-year-old girl leading a camp or sitting in its committee, do you?) wouldn't work here.