[quote=@World Traveler] [center][img]http://cdn.hellogiggles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/19/Theo-James.jpg[/img][/center] Name - Devin Coal Age - 28 Species - Humans Gender - Male Occupation - Omega Civil Engineer / Support Staff (Combat) Class - Engineer Powers [indent]Combat Drone Sentry Turret Tactical Cloak Incinerate Overload Decoy[/indent] Weapons [indent]Sniper Rifle Machine Pistol[/indent] Armor/Apparel - [indent]Crisis/Hazard Armor Grease stained jeans / Grey T-Shirt[/indent] Equipment [indent]Savant Omi-Tool Explosive Ammunition Armor Piercing Ammunition Sledgehammer Ammunition Shield Piercing Ammunition Combat Scanner[/indent] Personality [indent]Devin has a compelling drive to understand the way things work. He is good at logical analysis, and like to use it on practical concerns. He has strong powers of reasoning, although is rarely interested in theories or concepts unless they can see a practical application. He likes to take things apart and see the way they work. Devin holds onto an adventuresome spirit. He are attracted to motorcycles, airplanes, sky diving, surfing, etc. He thrive on action, and is often fearless. Can be fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make his own decisions about the next step. His sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes Devin prone to becoming bored rather quickly. Devin is often described as are loyal to his causes and beliefs, and his a firm believer that people should be treated with equity and fairness. Although he rarely respects the rules of the "System", they follow their own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. They will not take part in something which violates their personal laws. ISTPs are extremely loyal and faithful to their "brothers". Devin is always optimistic, full of good cheer, loyal to his equals, uncomplicated in his desires, generous, trusting and receptive people who want no part in confining limiting choices.[/indent] Biography [indent]Devin was born in space and has every desire to die in space. The five months he spent on land during his army core of engineers training was the worst and he vowed to never return to solid ground again. Thankfully his skills were needed in space and he was constantly transferred to ships battling the wear and tear of space and combat. While dealing with a particularly old battle class Spector transporter on the Citadel he was recruited into the Scientific Research and Field Studies department. In other words he became not just an engineer, but an engineer with expert combat training. This training was tested over and over as the human species began sending covert missions into the Terminus system to steal, trade, copy, and destroy technologies coming out of the region of space. Devin was forced to kill time and time again, and after four years of it the toll was starting to show. He knew what he was doing was important and that he was good at it. What made him stop was that he realized it wasn’t going to end. People were always going to say he needed to do what he did, but it was other people. He retired with more medals than any other army engineer since the advanced space age. All were redacted of course and he was given a lousy pension. Still he was happy about it. It meant he was forced to keep working which was easy enough to do with his expertise. In no time he found himself on a ship crewed mostly by a group of Quarians who were on their pilgrimage. He got along great and soon found himself saying good bye to them as they returned to the Fleet. When the last one left for home he was given control of the ship which he brought to Omega to sell. Since then he has found himself enjoying Omega. The live and die by the words you say fit him and while he had enemies and rivals he is largely liked on the station. Especially since he got into the business of tactical support and equipment maintenance. Need a sharp shooter or a guy to get rid of automated defense? Devin is the name to call.[/indent] [/quote] Only thing is that we're going by the ME3 style where the ammo types have been streamlined to where they're counted as powers such as Incendiary, Disruptor, etc. [quote=@agentmanatee] Name:Hailot Jatch Age:223 Species:Krogan Gender:Male Appearanc: [hider=Without armor][img]http://www.andor.cz/images/icons/personsicons/krogan_visage_by_irreversiblyderanged4846.jpg[/img] [/hider] Occupation:Former blood pack merc, bouncer/freelance hitman Class:Adept Powers Singularity Warp Shockwave Pull Throw Lash Weapons M-77 Paladin hand cannon M-12 Locust submachine gun Armor Heavy Battlemaster armor (Geth Armory) [hider=Armor] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100209110727/masseffect/images/5/52/Heavy-krogan-Battlemaster.png[/img] [/hider] Equipment Standard omni-tool Ammo Personality Jatch is a gruff and to the point krogan. He does what is employer asks as quickly and efficiently as possible. When speaking Jatch is blunt and to the point, rarely stalling or withholding information during a conversation. Though he can carry a conversation He objects to pointless and idle chit chat. When executing any task he wastes no time, and is very attentive to detail, from cleanups and such. However he has problems with seeing the big picture, and like most krogan he can get very angry, though he has a pretty long fuse. A cool head... for a krogan. Jatch is very serious, and tends to dislike people who mess around or joke to much. His favorite humour is dark and he likes it that way. Though intensely reliable, he can shift with employers, since trust isn't a well held krogan belief due to often betrayles between clans, gangs and individual krogan. So, he shifts to where he can look out for numero uno above anyone else. Despite this, he can make friends, and if they are truly trusted, they can trust him. Bio Born, like all Krogan, on Tuchanka, Jatch grew up on the inhospitable world like many other krogan, though he had an advantage. Jatch was one of the rare krogan born with Biotic talent, marking him from an early age to be a very desired clan member for any of the clans. Upon reaching adulthood he chose clan Hailot, believing them to be the strongest clan. Less than a decade later Jatch joined the blood pack wishing to fight out amongst the stars. For many years Jatch proved to be quite the powerful Biotic and more than competent merc, rising through the merc band due to his strength and Biotic ability. For almost a century he plundered with the blood pack, becoming more and more jaded each passing day. Eventually, he simply found he could earn far more freelancing as more than a merc. To that end he quit, and made his way to omega where he has never wanted for work since. Hired for his reliability, efficiency and experience he has had many jobs from hitman to bouncer to bodyguard. And now a new opportunity has opened up, and this krogan can't wait to get started. Spectre [/quote] It looks good, accepted. Post it to the Characters section please. [quote=@AdvancedJ3lly] Name - Sienn Kina Age - 91 Species - Asari Gender - Female Appearance - Sienn is 5’6” tall and has a slender and athletic build. Her skin is a bluish-teal color and her eyes are a pale blue. She has soft facial features and has dull white patterned markings on her forehead, chin, and lips. Occupation - Freelance Mercenary Class - Soldier Powers - Adrenaline Rush Frag Grenade Concussive Shot Incendiary Ammo Disruptor Ammo Cryo Ammo Weapons - M96 Mattock Heavy Rifle: Due to its age, it does not use thermal clips, but a dated cooling system. M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol: Generally used when her rifle overheats. 3 Grenades Armor/Apparel - Medium Partisan Armor Charcoal-grey Combat Fatigues Equipment - Bluewire Omni-tool Personality - In general, Sienn maintains a rather calm attitude. However, she is rather excitable and her mood changes often. She is courteous and tries to remain friendly when dealing with others, but is untrusting of most people and will abandon politeness with the slightest provocation. She shows little concern for other people unless they are particularly close to her or have some value to her. Sienn is a very stubborn individual. If something doesn’t work for her the first time, it will the second time, or the third, or the tenth. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, well, she is certifiable. In her free time she enjoys watching various Earth sports such as American Football and Urban Combat, hobbies she gained from her father. Bio - Sienn was born on the planet Illium to an asari businesswoman and a Systems Alliance starship technician. She was raised by her mother on the planet, living a rather wealthy lifestyle during her childhood. Her father spent some time with her and her mother when possible, but that was rare due to his military service. Sienn maintained a close relationship with her father despite this and was devastated when he died of heart attack at age 47. Throughout the asari’s life, she struggled to develop her biotic talents. Frustrated at her difficulty harnessing her biotic abilities, she decided to focus on her martial talents instead and abandoned biotics. Years of focused training made her a skilled fighter and marksman, but left her biotics limited and underdeveloped. However, this made her ineligible for asari military service, as her underdeveloped biotics could not be effectively used in combat. It was another devastating blow to the asari, who wished to travel the galaxy and some day become a spectre. Unable to enlist in a legitimate military, she turned to private military companies and mercenary groups. Sienn signed with Eclipse, a powerful mercenary group in the terminus system, and worked with the group for several years before having a falling out with the organization regarding the ethics of some of her work. She resigned and began long term freelance work for those requiring a personal guard or hired muscle. Her service with Eclipse commonly brought her to Omega, and after resigning, she regularly stayed on the station when looking for work. Spectre [/quote] Only issue I see is with the weapons. Have her use thermal clips instead for all of her weapons instead. Also going to work on my Vanguard Human character now.