Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I am rather much a fan of Manaketes myself, which is why I went out of my way to make it possible to play them. I can admit that, as long as a Manakete does have arms, they should theoretically be able to carry some kinds of arms. This is for roleplaying convenience rather than anything else. And do note, do not consider transforming into a dragon a surefire victory condition. It makes a Manakete stronger, yes, but they can still be defeated by higher-level opponents, particularly named enemies. They're not going to fall that easily. While I will not allow most classes to be bent because they can already handle themselves, the Manakete class I can consider tweaking just a bit with this in mind. However... What I have a small problem with is actually that you want your Manakete to be a spellcaster. I must honestly admit that I am not entirely sure what the magic in Fire Emblem originates from or how easy/difficult it is supposed to be to learn or if there are any limits to it, but being a spellcaster I consider as being a "special human". You're a Manakete. You're already plenty special. Being a spellcaster as well would make you special to the power of two, and the fact you'd be a spellcaster would allow you to take the same role as, well, other potential spellcasters, even if you're weaker. But... you're a Manakete. ... So, yeah, this is a slight headache, but I think I could allow it assuming you're a Manakete using some form of easy-to-use close combat weapon, of course while being weaker than another user of the same kind of weapon who is at the same level and skill. Thoughts? Not sure if becoming a dragon would help the homework, though. Perhaps PE... XD