Avalai turned, her skirts swishing gently at her feet, back towards the newbies. Next thing anyone would see is her in front of Will. Her pale hand would grip his wrist, connected to the hand still feeling the pepper spray in his pocket. She would use this grip to throw him to the ground and plants her [url=http://img5.lwhs.me/images/201308/goods_img/103810_P_1376482781816.jpg]long boot, accented with a stilletto heel[url] against his pale face. She presses down hard, threatening to break his jaw. She stares down at him, her golden eyes glowing with malice and pure, at this time indeterminate, unadulterated and undivided commanding evil. "I am Avalai Ambre Merigue," Began the red woman, her voice echoeing throughout the manor with all the power she commanded. "And I am your new Queen."