The two white-armored warriors looked at one another. “That sounds rather threatening,” Udo remarked needlessly. He stepped to the edge of the dias and looked out over the city. “Shall we...?” “Yes, yes,” Elvilika cut in. “Enough with the drama. Time to call the others.” As one, the two Travelers approached seats on the Sestet. The instant they sat cross-legged on their pedestals and closed their eyes, energy began to radiate from their heartlights: orange and icy-blue, respectively. The Travelers slowly levitated into the air, like a heavy load with just enough balloons attached to depart it from the earth, and settled three centimeters above the surface. The energy that surrounded them leaked into the pedestals themselves, illuminating lines and patterns that hadn't been visible before. There was a [i]bwoo[/i] sound as the energy siphoned by the pedestals suddenly shot skyward, exploding into a mixture of flare and firework far overhead. The air next to Emily shimmered slightly, a shadow moving on the edge of her vision. Not two feet away from her, another Traveler appeared, a rather thin one armored in purple with a body of steel. As if unannounced, jarring teleportation were an everyday activity, he nodded cordially to Emily and ascended the Sestet to seat himself across from Elvilika. “Sister Marowit!” She called, seemingly aware despite her meditative posture. “Punctual, as always. Where's Sen-sen?” Silently, Marowit placed herself on another pedestal, sending a black flare skyward. When she spoke, it was with the speed and vibrancy of a glacier—that is to say, both slow and toneless. “Sen-sen is incoming. He was not within the city.” Kai spoke up next. “And Salvadore told be that he was going to be overseeing the Salvation for the morning. Certainly he is on his way.” The ground began to reverberate slightly, rumbling and shaking not unlike the aftershock of an earthquake. It grew in volume and power until the nearby stone face ruptured, and out of the resulting tunnel came a broad-shouldered Traveler armored in green, with a body of rock and eyes the color of the sun. Sparing only a quick glance at Emily, Sen-sen lumbered to the pedestal between Marowit and Kai, where he took his place. Behind him, the tunnel had sealed itself up; clearly, that particular Journeyman had serious magical power over the earth. Next, a Traveler armored in red appeared, whose eyes shone viridian green, causing the red soil of his body to glint. Almost simultaneously, a shape shot up past the edge of the Sestet area, propelled from a lower level of the city by a jet of water. This golem curiously wore wet cloth rather than armor, leaving much of its woven-grass body exposed. Its brown eyes shone from a face permanently molded in an expression of enthusiasm. “Hi there!” came a bubbly, girly voice in a strange accent. “Great day for a meetin'! Bloomin' shame to leave the Pearl District, though. We were just uncoverin' some fascinatin', uh...” She trailed off, knowing that the others would chide her for talking rather than doing. She practically bounced onto her seat, and with all six of the Journeymen assembled, she greeted the guest. “Aww, a human! What's it you want to chat about then? Serious business? If it lasts more than forty minutes or so, you might be in for a spot of bother. Not that becomin' one of us is bad or nothin', but it's not for everyone, you know? Not like swimmin'.” In the silence that followed, Sen-sen's gravelly sigh was very audible. “Forgive Diver's impropriety,” he said in cavernous rumble. “It is rare that her manners accompany her out of the water. We are the Journeymen, the governing body of Monolith. What may we assist you with?”