[b]Name:[/b] Samantha "Sam" Crowe. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/af/16/65af169042d8a5a59a70fe399e82ff5e.jpg]Sam[/url]. [b]Age:[/b] 22. [b]Gender: [/b]Female. [b]Occupation:[/b] Construction Worker. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Singing, thrill seeking, street art, amateur boxing. [b]Values:[/b] Loyalty (especially regarding family), speaking out, confidence, trust, freedom, and unity. [b]Goal:[/b] Fortify and secure the campus, which includes building defence systems and deciding who comes and goes. If she's going to stay there, and with her kid niece, it needs to be as safe as possible. Whatever it takes. [b]Associated NPCs:[/b] Darcy Willis, her niece. Even at ten years old, Darcy knows how people work. She inherited her aunt's attitude, and will not hesitate to deal out the sass if necessary. [b]History:[/b] The younger of two daughters, Sam watched her sister sail ahead into success. Helen had that whole white picket fence thing going on. Sam liked workshop class and band practice and avoiding responsibilities. They had good parents, just a little unconcerned, a little too breezy. Every attempt at rebellion was met with amusement. Meanwhile, Helen rented a house, married a soldier and popped out a kid. In high school, Sam had a pretty decent set of friends and she liked maybe one or two classes, but the hierarchy was bullshit, the system sucked and the teachers didn't give a damn. So she caused as much trouble as she could be bothered too. Tables were flipped, kids were pantsed, the math teacher's car was jacked, and detentions were in abundance. With the stress of college applications looming ever closer, she dropped out. Her band mates left with her, taking an apartment together and submitting themselves to every kind of music competition available. They ultimately failed. Sam went home with her tail between her legs and was quickly given a job on her father's construction site and built her skills from there. She worked for a few years before her sister and their parents fell victim to the cataclysm. Sam took her sister's kid and got out of town. They drove aimlessly until they came across a convoy and followed them to Nathanson. [b]Equipment:[/b][list] [*] Standard construction tools (hammer, pliers and so on). [*] Penknife. [*] Tire iron. [*] Hard hat. [/list]