Yuuki looked at his as he told her what she wanted him to do and nodded understanding. ''Okay.. you want me to rebuild your kind for you and so you want my sisters for that'' she said, seeing the table and plate with food on it appear she looked at him. ''I am almost assuming you want me to like you'' she said and slowly walked over while he talked. She made a little jump backwards when the goblets appeared and so she waited for him to get to the table before she slowly walked back towards it. ''I can't tell you'' She said. ''Santania placed a powerfull spell on all of us that would kill us if we ever told someone that kind of information'' she said and at a grape. After swallowing it she looked at him and licked her lips slowly. ''So even if I want to help you, I can't.. Not with that'' she said and slowly took the plate from the table and walked to the big pillow and the fire. Sitting down and then laying down a little against the pillow and the plate if front of her, she looked at the fire and enjoyed its warmth. ''Sorry Sir Khyron, I can't help you'' she said.