[centre][b]Name:[/b] Rylan F. Collins [hider=Rylan Collins][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelmovies/images/c/c4/WardSeason2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141008161257[/img] General Attributes: [list] [*]Eye Color: Dark green [*]Hair color: Brown [*]Height: 6'0" [*]Weight: 190 plbs [*]Scars: None [*]Tattoo's: None [/list][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Criminal Profiler for Quantico [b]Hobbies:[/b] [list] [*]Reading [*]Practicing Tai Chi [*]playing chess [*]Swimming [*]Hiking [*]Jogging [*]Doing jigsaw puzzles [*]Writing [/list] [b]Values:[/b] Rylan has many values in which he lives by his top values being: [list][*]Honesty [*]Loyalty [*]Repect[/list] Rylan is what he considers and old school type of person, coming from a time when ones integrity had no need to be questioned. He believes in a live and let live policy where as long as they are not hurting others then its acceptable. He holds no grudges towards and particular way of life and is quite understanding. He does not care for those who would only seek to hurt others, or those who lives their life by disrespecting others. Being old school he believes everyone has a right to be who they are and thats is that. [b]Goal:[/b] Is he has but one goal it is to make sure that the people in Nathanson have the chance to live a life without fear of death every single day. To take a world that has gone to shit and turn it around so that everyone has a chance to start new. [b]Associated NPCs:[/b] No known associations with anyone in the settlement. [b]History:[/b] Rylan was born in Virginia as an only child. His life growing up was good, his parents were loving and overall supporting. His mom was a successful lawyer and his dad was an Veteran who owned a small Electricians company. Rylan from an early age was very precocious and from an early age learned a lot of things that most didn't learn until later years. Rylan was very successful in school he was like a sponge when it came to knowledge, he soaked it up. While he had many aspirations in life, Rylan was fascinated however with the workings of the mind, specifically criminals. For all of his life as a kid he was always watching T.V. shows such as C.S.I, Forensic investigators, pretty much anything that involves criminals. So it was no surprise to his parents when he went into training to become a Criminal Profiler. Only after four years in college Rylan started to make a name for himself, coming up with theories about the criminal mind, things that no one had ever thought of before. By time he was in his mid twenties he had written two books on the criminal mind. He was considered the brightest minds of his time. Because of his aptitude for criminal profiling he was offered a job at Quantico where he accepted it almost immediately. For years Rylan was associated with many high profile cases, and he thrived off of it, and with his ability to take in information and make connections that very few did he became a great Agent at Quantico. When the Cataclysm first started Rylan was on a case when all hell broke loose and people started dieing around him. Thrown into a mass confusion Rylan did his best to try an help the situation in any way he could. But in the end when the dead rose back to life, any way he could have helped was taken out of his hands. He tried to help those who were in the city but he realized the city was falling all around his head, so begrudgingly he hopped his car and hightailed it away from the city. Not soon after Rylan got in a collision with an overturned car and was forced onto foot. After walking for a time he came across Nathanson where he had been up until now.[/centre]