Name: Alina Khan Appearance: [hider=Alina] [img][/img][/hider] Age: 28 Gender: Female Occupation: Plumber, volunteers at a homeless shelter in her off time. Hobbies: 1. Yoga - helps her relax her muscles after a long day of plumbing. 2. Cooking - She loves food and loves to cook, but not picky and will not eat pork or drink alcohol since's Muslim, but she doesn't mind feeding others it. 3. Jogging - She always staying fit and she can run a marathon if she wanted too, but never enough free time to do so. 4. Reading - She loves to read and is saddened that she can't read as often anymore. 5. Story telling - She loves telling stories of either what she read or of what she heard when she was young. Values: 1. Honesty 2. Kindness 3. Faith and hope 4. Healthy body and soul Goal: An area or building for peace of mind and soul. That maybe a place of worship or a just a place a person can forget their worries for a few moments and forget their woes. (This goal is malleable but I think it will be hard to achieve) Associated NPCs: Aasia - Alina's best friend daughter. Her mother passed away after the cataclysm, Aasia was attacked by her mother but was saved by Alina before she got hurt. Alina vowed to protect Aasia. seven-years-old. Erin - A young boy Alina found before finding the caravan. He's very nice and polite and curious about Alina's Hijab and about what happened. Alina adopted him since he was alone and she can't get any clear answer from Erin about his past. Eight-year-old. History: Alina is a second generation Pakistani from Kansas, Topeka, raised in a religious and loving home. Her parents taught her right from wrong since she was a young girl. She was never as religious as her parents, but she believed enough to follow the rules of Quran and to always be the best she can be as a person. She was bullied every now and again, but she always paid it back with kindness and love. Sometimes people regret what they did and ask for her forgiveness or they walk all over her. When she got older she got better at dealing with being stepped on and fighting back and protecting herself but she was still the kind girl of her childhood. She went to college to become a plumber. It was here she made friends with an older student, Madia. They hit it off and became fast friends. Alina even became Aasia's godmother a year after they met. After graduating and becoming a plumber she got a full-time job. But she used her weekends volunteering at a soup kitchen to feed people. She became popular with the local homeless people since she was kind and always want to hear their stories. She helped raised Aasia as an auntie to the girl they were always close. Alina and Madia were still close as sisters. But then everything changed. The cataclysm happened when she was at the soup kitchen. She was shocked and horrified she tried to help to them, but it did nothing. In a moment of fear, she called her parents but they didn't pick up. She called her friends, none of them picked up. She called Madia, Aasia picked up, she was crying, she said her mother wouldn't wake up. Alina told Aasia to calm down and she will be there as quick as humanly possible. She arrived at her best friends house which was down the road from the soup kitchen. When Alina entered she heard Aasia screaming and Alina run to her, to her horror she saw her friend attacking her daughter. Alina protected Aasia. Alina put on a brave face for Aasia and they hid there for a few days after Alina hid Madia's body, they stayed at the house for a bit since she seen the dead people walking outside the house like zombies, so she thought it would be better for the horde of zombie thinned out over the next few days then going right away After all the food ran out they had to leave for somewhere safe. They took the family car and drove through the thinned out hordes of zombies. On their travels, they found a boy on the side of the road, seemingly lost and crying. Alina Let the boy come with them. Aasia and Erin became fast friends. Alina after days of driving found the caravan and joined them. Hoping that as a group they can last better than a young woman and two children.