Emily smiled as the Travelers arrived, and showed off their magical prowess. They where certainly impressive, and Emily smiled at each display of power. She didn't feel envious though, her current powers where considerable, and that is what she liked most. The Travelers, as they called themselves, seemed diverse and interesting, but the one she liked the most was the Water girl best. Her mannerisms and dress set her widely apart from the other Travelers, and Emily smiled at her great enthusiasm. She thought all of the Golems would be mindless automatons but she was glad that wasn't the case. "Good day, all of you. I have come to talk to you about a threat from my planet. I am Emily Kabal, the last...well, I can't exactly call myself surviving anymore. But, I am the last being from my home world. When the Keepers came, nobody was safe, and while we did not have a very large army, it would have mattered if we did. They where unstoppable juggernauts of destruction. I was one of their victims, killed by one of the Keepers and then my soul was snatched from my dying body, and forced into this vessel of magic. The keeper then got himself obliterated and I escaped, trying to avenge my family by fighting another Keeper. It didn't work" She told them, pacing softly. "The keeper did not kill me, but threw me into an icy hell where he thought I would perish at the hands of the creatures there. I didn't, though. I managed to trick one of the lesser warlords into getting sacrificed to summon a Sung Spirit, and later gave the entire realm over to Surtr's Flames. Those two became my allies, and I hosted them within my, while we looked for a way to get out. I first tried to return home, but found only debris and nothingness waiting for me on the other side, so instead I came here. I was drawn to this place, and I believe it was the call of the Keepers that did such. I don't want such a fate to be repeated here, so I have come offering my aid to take the Keepers down forever" she finished, looking at the Travelers, for their reply.