Sitting in the lower decks, having arrived earlier, Jack mulled over a few documents that R3V had sent him about the mission. Missing colonies, no survivors, investigate, don't die. The usual. It all seemed a bit underwhelming to him and apparently him alone considering that the ship he was sitting in the lower decks of was about five minutes from jumping while in tow of a damn carrier. He shook his head and closed the wrist-based hologram projector and reclined in the seat he had fashioned for himself. He preferred it on the engineering decks of the larger ships. It was away from the people for the most part and he felt safer. He didn't enjoy riding in these oversized gun platforms. Hated it when he was in the military, hated it now. Too much can go wrong too fast and too many lives were at stake. He just about fell out of the seat when the Jump happened, forgetting to actually prepare himself like a normal person would. He righted himself and could already feel his bowels trying to right themselves as well. For once, he was thankful that his armor could help with that. He reached down to check his equipment and make sure they made the start of the jump alright. He already knew that they were basically unaffected by the jump, but he still made sure. Faulty equipment was a death sentence. After making sure everything was checked and not broken, he slung his rifle over his shoulder, made sure the safety was on, and clicked on the magnetic safety on his suit, turning a small light green on his shoulder. He did this just so those with hatred for bounty hunters would be put at ease a little, knowing that he couldn't actually draw his weapons at all. "Might as well head to the top deck and see how things are going...." He said to nobody in particular. He started the trek up the decks and to the main deck, greeting a few people along the way. He dared not take his helmet off. Not many people enjoy talking to somebody with a face that looks like he put it into an active rocket engine. Stepping into the main room of the bridge, he took a place next to the door and leaned against the wall. At this point he could only wait for things to happen as he was not assigned any position in the ship. Least not yet. He could fake it and say he was a patrolman, but he decided against it. He did happen to make sure that his credentials were in order before somebody flipped out on him, however. He was going to avoid a night in a brig at all costs.