Instructor W silently listened to the conversation and observed the young adult Mariemeia shoot down the voices around her. He found it like a reflection of her father that Lord Lindemann would've rallied under. Although their stance against the Earth Sphere isn't clear, he may have to agree with the alliance as long as it keeps him and Donna safe. *** Donna noted Stella's voice. "Hello. You are Stella right?" She responded. "Thank you for your concerns. I look forward to fight alongside you when you get better." After the conversation with Stella was done the Gundam pilot listened to Grant. "Attacking us before joining our side may be a demerit." She agreed. "But if she can help us survive then I say she is welcome." Actually the thought of Paul got her thinking. "Excuse me, what can you tell me about Blackstar?" She asked the veteran OMNI pilot. "I found it difficult to socialise with."