"The Lieutenant? To be honest I've served with him but I only know some basic stuff about the guy. He's kind of rolled around in a ball of red tape that has big black words on it that say 'DO NOT TOUCH' if you get my drift." Grant said as he considered what he knew of his Lieutenant. The man was fiercely loyal to OMNI that much was clear. But what could he say that would really answer Donna's question. "Alright without having the Captain rip me a new one I'll tell you what I can. Lieutenant Paul Lyons is the head of a team that is missing called OMEGA Squad which consisted of some of Jason's men from back when he first started out. They get along really well and them being missing could be helping that not being social out a little. He's one of the youngest pilots on this ship and yet he is not only our superior officer but he is one of our very best pilots too. He's fought in multiple continents and has a extreme hatred of ZAFT after one the gundam pilots on our side defected to their side. He's fought in North America, Europe, and Africa not to mention space. It's rumored that he's engaged or married to someone but it's just a rumor among the crew. He's also one of the most demanding assholes I've ever served with he wants you to do something you will do it or he'll chew you out or demote you. Just don't tell him I said that please. If you want to know more about the Lieutenant ask him yourself that's all I can say." === "Alright then if you would excuse us Mariemaia I suppose we'll be going. Please transmit the location and the information you have on the enemy and we will meet with your men and ambush the enemy. They'll be broken and we will be waiting for the information you have for us. Good day to you Miss Mariemaia." Paul said as he was excused by Mariemaia. "Kenta would you like to come with us sir?" Paul asked Kenta who simply chuckled and shook his head once, "No thank you Lieutenant. I thank you for your offer but I'm use to being in command of my own men. I may as well stay where I am so I don't screw with your chain of command. Oh and goodbye too all of you too including you Lieutenant Jameson." Kenta said as Paul nodded and walked away his soldiers trailing behind him. They were being escorted back to their suits by a squad of Mariemaia's finest...but Paul was hardly impressed. He'd say these men were good by the way they walked but were just barely above the normal ZAFT soldier. And those people were militia. However Paul could be wrong, very wrong at that, and was just judging them on the way they held themselves. He remembered the European soldiers he had fought with at London and Berlin and knew how one could underestimate soldiers like them very well. "Good job men we've gotten the job done...but don't let your guard down yet only fools leave themselves open." Paul said to his soldiers and was greeted with a group comment of 'yes lieutenant sir.' by the group of soldiers with him. "What's that suppose to mean?" questioned one of Mariemaia's soldiers as Paul informed him that it was just a precaution and he meant nothing by it. Eventually they got back to their suits and transport and entered without trouble. The soldiers whom were guarding them hailed their lieutenant. When Paul got back into his suit and powered it up he was almost immediately hailed by one of the communications officers, "Are you okay Lieutenant? I hope you're alright" came the new girl...Baker wasn't it? Strange he didn't expect anyone but Williams or Axer to speak to him over this line. "I'm fine don't worry about me I'm just glad nothing went bad." Paul commented not really paying attention to Baker who sighed in relief. "Patching through Captain Jason." commented Baker quickly as Jason came on through all of the suits and the transport. "This is your Captain please report." Jason said calmly but if Paul knew his Captain, and he knew his captain very well, then Jason was really apprehensive. "Everything was good sir. I've gotten the job done. I've negotiated somethings with Mariemaia but we're going to need to fight a mutual enemy with them before we get some information regarding some ZAFT operatives. Please wait until I get back to the ship." Paul said as Jason smiled and sighed back in the ship. "Good I'd knew you'd handle it Lieutenant. If anyone could do it...it was you. And I also give my regards and thanks to the Instructor. It's not easy to go through with this sort of thing as a neutral." Jason commented as he bade all of his men a good job and turned off the signal. However Graham sent a signal to Paul as the group launched into the air to get back to the ship, "So it seems there won't be a battle. I won't lie to you Lieutenant...I'm disappointed that I won't get to fight that man Witz again." Graham said his voice plain and lacking emotion or passion like he was getting use to hearing out of Graham, "You know Graham I think you'll get your chance just yet if not then maybe I could help you calm down a bit with a gundam fight." Paul said calmly as Graham chuckled, "You know I might just take you up on that offer. But I don't think now's the right time maybe some other time Lieutenant." Graham responded.