[colour=Gold][b]“That's fair enough I suppose,”[/b][/colour] Maxwell responded without much enthusiasm. For a moment he was sure that he had caught a trace of something in Kanoa's expression when she looked at him but he made little of it. He was bad at that kind of thing to begin with so he had probably imagined it. But her comment about the gardening club. Was that a joke? Probably. But if not it might be something worth investigating in his own time. [colour=Gold][b]“Right,”[/b][/colour] he responded simply, following after her as she led them into the forest. For some reason he felt a little ill at ease but he had no idea why. His revere was broken when Kanoa asked a surprisingly curious question. [colour=Gold][b]“Kitsune?”[/b][/colour] Maxwell said aloud, as if he had never heard of such a thing. In fact the truth was the opposite. He had simply been surprised to hear the word, out here in a forest in the heart of backwater Maine. In truth he actually knew a little about them, the mythology and the origin of the name. His father was a supernatural buff and fiction author to boot after all. He also collected crap like that. Maxwell for his part had never really been interested in that kind of stuff. Not until recently anyway. [colour=Gold][b]“Really, that's what comes to mind?” [/b][/colour]Maxwell had no words to describe just how creepy Mary had sounded. He sighed and shook his head. He had to agree with Augusts take on the whole situation. They were all on the wrong side on the weirdness scale for anyone to be throwing around comments like that. Despite himself he actually smiled and laughed to himself. [colour=Gold][b]“And what, you really think that if anyone was going to be doing the killing of nubile young teens it would be Kanoa? I can think of much better better candidates,”[/b][/colour] he said with some levity looking directly at Mary. It then that Kanoa tried to explain the logic behind the reasoning that she was basing her conclusions upon. Maxwell was suddenly a lot less at ease with the whole situation. He had assumed that she was working with something a little more...ironclad than pure speculation. [colour=Gold][b]“Tried to hypnotise you, huh?” [/b][/colour]he said with no apparent emotion. He really should have just walked away right at that moment and forgotten all of this madness. [colour=Gold][b]“So why couldn't it?”[/b][/colour] he said more to himself than to Kanoa. [center]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] When they arrived at their apparent destination Maxwell found himself not sure what to say exactly. What exactly had he been expecting? Maxwell had to admit that if nothing else the building really fit the bill. Located deep in the forest. Hard to see among the trees. Or was it a tree that looked like a house. It wasn't like he had been expecting something normal like a wood cabin or a tent but still this was something else. He sighed at Kanoa's apparent lack of a sense of danger, yet found himself following immediately after her into the house. House tree? Tree house? It was dim inside, lit by a glowing fire off to one side of the room, instruments of varying varieties scattered about a table. Clearly someone lived here. The fire suggested that until recently someone had even been here. Or still was here. Yet for some reason he was not as scared as he knew he ought to be. He walked over to the instruments and picked up what he believed to be a violin. He made no attempt to play it and instead turned it over curiously in his hands. Seemed pretty unremarkable. He turned his eyes toward the door way into the next room. [colour=Gold][b]“So what do we do now?”[/b][/colour] he asked seriously.