[center][color=fff200]Tervius Adrarian[/color] Age: 36 Species: Turian Gender: Male [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/216/2/7/turian_oc_terentius_by_tpceebee-d7tle9s.jpg[/img] Occupation: Freelance Bounty Hunter Class: Sentinel Powers: Lift Grenade Throw Overload Warp Cryo Blast Tech Armor Weapons: M-3 Predator M-9 Tempest Armor/Apparel: Medium Thermal Armor[hider=How It Looks][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100209113405/masseffect/images/c/c8/Medium-turian-Thermal.png[/img][/hider] Black and Grey Turian Casual Wear Equipment: Nexus VI Omni-Tool Personality: Tervius usually tries to keep things friendly, despite the kind of work he does. He just figures that the galaxy has enough negativity as it is, and he doesn't need to add to it. He's very fidgety when he's not on a mission. He has to be doing something on his omni-tool or occupying himself in some way. He has a great love for Earth music no matter the language. He finds human voices very pleasing, and listens to acoustic or shoegaze songs to relax, which reveals another part of Tervius's personality--his patience. He prefers to take things slow, talk things out, and never rush things unless necessary. His bounties go well because he plans things out and knows what he's doing, even if he might get a little overconfident at times. Bio: Tervius barely knew his birth parents. They were killed in a raid on a civilian ship when he was only 5 months old. He had been left with a family friend, but they were unable to take him in as they already had two kids of their own. Eventually he was adopted by two women--a human and a turian like himself. They raised him to be morally sound, but his laissez faire attitude was something they knew would take him somewhere dangerous. The only way to avoid getting swept up in violence in the galaxy is to actively avoid it. They're aware of his work and constantly fret, but he reassures them with calls to their homeworld of Oma Ker every night. Tervius started training his biotic talents with a teacher on Oma Ker at the age of 15. They came naturally to him, so he didn't have that much trouble becoming adept at them--the old turian who taught him would always be amazed by how well he caught on. Tervius left home at 19 and started out trying to make a slightly honest living, but reality sunk in and he started doing bounties at 20. He's done it for 16 years now and doesn't see himself stopping any time soon. Recently he's been hanging around Omega for work, as a lot of targets come through there. People are starting to know his name, so it doesn't surprise him when he gets the message about job offers. He just hopes it pays well. Spectre[/center]