[quote=@Lost Cause] If we're talking ship classes, that really depends on what sort of things you want to get up to; There's no point going for a Defiant-class ship if we're doing deep-space exploration, and no point in using a Nova if we're going to be blowing things up on a regular basis. [/quote] [quote=@Rin] I guess something in-between those two extremes is what we want, then? Unfortunately I don't know the individual ships types so um... ^^; EDIT: Intrepid class? ^^; Mostly because Voyager is the only Trek series I've seen in full (I know, I know...) but yeah. [/quote] I liked Voyager; and loved early Voyager. Still Nova and Voyager would get caught in the political crossfire of Exploration vs. Militarization; right now talented officers are Starfleet's most precious resource--and the precious resource is has the least of. Also, since so many ships were destroyed during the war, don't rule out an updated Galaxy, or New Orleans class, or something similar. The ship will be assigned to a Mobile Task Force, unlike most Starfleet ships which are assigned to Wings that operate within a set section of Federation territory.