Name:Ranger (Born Joseph L Carter) Appearance:[hider=Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] Age: 26 Gender: Male Occupation: Crimnal- Multiple Bank robberies, murders, assaults, possession of automatic firearms, drug possession with the intent to sell. Currently trying to pass himself off as a Park Ranger. Hobbies:Ranger seems to enjoy playing games based in logic like Chess, he enjoys reading, and is often see scribbling in a journal. Values: Money, power, loyalty, and Beauty. Goal: Ranger wishes to see the settlement become rich and a shining beacon of power within these dark times. Associated NPCs: N/a History:Ranger, his real name being Joseph was born into crime. His father was a very powerful drug lord and his mother a addict to some heavy drugs. He grew up learning how to fight dirty from his father, how to handle a weapon, as well as appreciation for the finer things in life. It was his schooling it was all he knew, as he grew older he became his fathers go-to guy. Starting out running and dealing drugs, graduating to organized killings with some of his fathers "Associates." He was exposed to killing much akin to soldiers are to battle, it was like another day on the job and it didn't affect him at least what people observed anyways. A couple of years before shit hit the fan he had broken free of his fathers shadow and started robbing banks with a group of his own. The group became the FBI's most wanted due to the fact they traveled coast to coast robbing banks. They kept the money but the attacks seemed to be only against certain banks and businesses as if someone else besides Joseph pulled the strings. They just happened to be in Kansas during the early stages and for their last robbery they all turned on each other. In the end Joseph emerged victorious, he fled and found a ranger cabin. It's here where he took on the guise of a ranger he read all of the survival handbooks within so he could pass off as one. Eventually he found the university and has been with them ever since.