(My character is female now because there is a gender imbalance happening.) Name: Introduced herself as Abby Ng Appearance: Abby is of south-east asian descent; she has dark bronze skin, brown hair and brown eyes. She's average height (5'6") with a robust build. She has a near-permanent farmer's tan (tanned only on the face and forearms) from spending most of her time working outside; this is also evident in the way her hands are calloused and all of her nails are permanently grimy and broken. She dresses like an outdoorsman - hiking boots, cargo pants, and fleece jackets or flannel shirts over tees. She almost always wears a ballcap, with her dark ponytail threaded through the back opening. Age: 32 Gender: F Occupation: Geologist, (fieldwork) Hobbies: [list] [*] Leather working: she knows how to make shoes, bags, belts, and other useful things [*] Finding and eating wild plants [*] Fishing and to a lesser degree, trapping [*] Hammer-throwing (as in the track and field event)[/list] Values: Knowledge, intelligence, curiosity, facts, numbers, proof; also humour Goal: Abby really, really wants to understand what is going on. What are the zombies? Are they really dead? How are they moving around? Will there be more zombie outbreaks? Did this happen everywhere, or just here? On a community level, she wants to find out if there are other survivors and establish trade. She'd also like to see rule of law established. Associated NPCs: None - she's not local (no immediate family in the area) and everyone she knew well in the area is either probably dead or definitely dead. History: Abby has been doing geological research (mostly consisting of really, really detailed mapping) in the Flint Hills for about three years; prior that she worked in the Canadian sub-arctic doing more or less the same thing, but with the possibility of finding diamonds. When Black Friday occurred, Abby was out on an extended field assignment, camping and hiking while studying the kimberlites of the area. Her work partner, Parsons, collapsed while climbing up a steep slope, and in the ten minutes it took her to scramble down to where he had landed, Abby assumed he had slipped or collapsed for normal medical reasons. She knew something really, really awful was happening when he rose up and lunged at her, biting and snarling wordlessly. Abby won the fight by bashing his head in with her rock hammer. This was not a pleasant experience. She immediately hiked back to civilization, only to learn that potential murder charges were the least of her problems.