Well, he did; that's why Larrak died. The idea I had is that Davo's still pretty small-time, not realy a criminal mastermind and doing it more as like a hobby than a full-time business because he just enjoys the chemistry (a little like Walter White in the early seasons) Even then he's mostly the guy in the back room cooking more than the "face" of the operation. Previously the face was Larrak, but he died a year or so ago when a larger organization moved in on his vice market. Free Will is a new drug which will never sell super-well - it's not got a strong enough to be a good "party drug", it's not very addictive and it's main selling point is the "I can do anything" feeling that mean mostly it's taken to get over fear or anxiety. Kind of a niche market. Like, it's closer to Ritalin than cocaine. And anyway, I figured this job offer would be him getting attention from one of the bigger fish. @AdvancedJ3lly: Davo's a sentinel, not an adept. And Wrex could use biotics, that's what Krogan battlemasters are. As for the Asari who can't use biotics, all asari can, it's just not all of them are skilled or power enough for it to be combat-relevant.