Ok, due to classic Marine Corps cluster-fuckery (Yes that's a word), I am going on a training OP zero notice tomorrow. Might last a week. During that time, I will still be in contact, but mostly through my phone. Please forgive a commensurate decrease in post quality. [quote=@metagros] He is more of a humanoid dragon, but it probably won't make him too op. Also I know now that he go against all of our understanding but when I first made the right (months ago) I don't really care. Now I don't want to change it. Also the weapon is a grav acelerator. Special up a peble (let's say) via high grade. It's a bit out there science wise, but it's a fun way to create sniper rifles. I'll start working on a post when I get home because my phones auto correct is driving me nuts [/quote] Actually, that's not that far out from a sci-fi perspective. In fact, it's a direct outgrowth from gravity control and probably the first thing we'd do with it. Still, to keep other weapon types relevant, let's say it's a power-hog and mainly used for anti-armor. Or, like trolls and things. Look, if we ever need to redecorate a room in elephant guts, we'll let you know.