[Center][img]http://www.shadowdance.info/magazine/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/wheel_of_time_logo.jpg[/img] [h1][color=ed1c24]Trolloc Wars OOC[/color][/h1] GM: Blue Demon Co-GM: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/durandal]Durandal[/url][/center] [b][color=92278f]About[/color][/b] This is a Wheel of Time RP. It is suggested that you know the basics of the world, or know where to look them up. The setting of the role play is in the Trolloc Wars, about 1,000 years after the Breaking of the World. Below I've set up basically everything you'd need to know in order to portray the time period. Now, I'm not going to hold everyone to keeping the 100% accurate as listed. The good thing with history is that it might have been changed or distorted as time went by. However there are somethings that will not change. Mainly the fact that all the kingdoms collapsed and ushered in what's called the Free Years. I will update the following if we add cities or give them more description. [hider=Lands:] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/wot/images/2/29/Ten_Nations.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20061229201946[/img] Ten Nations. After the Breaking of the World the Ten nations that emerged signed the [b]Compact of the Ten Nations[/b]. The Compact pledged that they'd defend each other. The ten nations were: [hider=Aelgar]The Capital is Ancohima. Major cities are Condaris, which has a waygate, Mainelle (Where Tanicho will be), and Shar Honelle.[/hider][hider=Almoren]The Capital is Al'cair'rahienallen which will later become Cairhien. There is a waygate there. Jennshain is a city there.[/hider][hider=Aramaelle]The Capital is Mafal Dadaranell, a heavily fortified city. There is also a waygate there. Other cities are Anolle'sanna, Cuebiyarsande, and Rahime Naille.[/hider][hider=Aridhol]he name is Aridhol, but one day it will be called Shadar Logoth. The Current King is Balwen Mayel. Other cities are Abor'maseleine and Cyrendemar'naille.[/hider][hider=Coremanda]Its capital city is Shaemal, famous for its great crystal dome. There is also a waygate there. Other major cities include Braem (located near the site of New Braem), Nailine Samfara, and Hai Caemlyn, where Caemlyn wil be located. There is also a waygate there.[/hider][hider=Eharon]Its capital is Londaren Cor. It is located several days' travel north and east of the port city of Barashta (later Ebou Dar), near but not on the River Eldar. The city is located near three hills known as the Dancers. Londaren Cor is said to be one of the most beautiful cities that the Oiger built. It was built after the Ogier completed Tar Valon. The Palace of the Moon, the seat of the Eharonian rulers, is located in the city and a ritual known as the Blessing of the Swords took place during the Procession of Flutes there. Its other major cities are Barashta (which will became Ebou Dar) and Dorelle Caromon (which later become Illian, and has a waygate)[/hider][hider=Essenia]Its capital is Aren Mador, which will later become Far Madding. There is a waygate there. Its other major cities are Tear and Dalsande.[/hider][hider=Jaramide]Its capital city is Deranbar on the River Manetherendrelle, will be site of Maradon. There is a waygate there Barsine is a city of Jaramide. It is famed for its golden spires and the lace it exports. It was the first city to fall to the Trollocs.[/hider][hider=Manetheren]Its capital city was also called Manetheren and was located in the mountains between the headwaters of the Tarendrelle and the Manetherendrelle. There is a waygate there. Its rulers are King Aemon al Caar al Thorin and Queen Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan. Its other major cities include Corartheren, Jara'copan, and Shanaine (will be the site of Jehannah). Jara'copan is located in a valley in the foothills of the Mountains of Mist, six days south of the city of Manetheren itself, reachable by a road that winds along the feet of the mountains. The city itself spreads across an area of about three square miles. Due to population pressures and the limitation of space in the city, it extends some way underground with elaborate subterrenean vaults and storage locations.[/hider][hider=Safer]The Capital is Iman, which the city of Katar will be built. There is also a waygate there. Miereallen, located where Falme will be, and Shainrahien. [/hider]Tar Valon - Has a waygate. Home of the Aes Sedai. [url=http://wot.wikia.com/wiki/Stedding]Locations of the Steddings[/url] [url=http://wot.wikia.com/wiki/Waygate#Waygates]Waygates and all their locations[/url][/hider] The RP will begin after the city of Barsine in Jaramide falls.[hider=Timeline of the War][b]1000 AB[/b] A vast horde of Trollocs invades the Westlands, marking the beginning of the Trolloc Wars. The city of Barsine in Jaramide is the first major city to fall. [b]c. 1000-1200 AB [/b] The wars continue to rage. During this time the nation of Aridhol falls into darkness and despair due to the machinations of a man named Mordeth. The kingdom disintegrates and the capital city becomes a dark, haunted place known as Shadar Logoth, which even the Shadowspawn avoid. [b]1150 AB [/b] Rashima Kerenmosa is born. [b]c. 1200 AB[/b] Manetheren is destroyed by the Shadow. However, the people of Manetheren inflict vast and terrible casualties on the attacking army, and despite its victory it is largely destroyed by a suicidal blast of the One Power unleashed by Queen Eldrene at the moment of defeat. Some time after this event the then-Amyrlin Seat, Tetsuan, is deposed and stilled for impeding the aid sent to Manetheren out of jealousy of Eldrene. [b]1251 AB [/b] Rashima Kerenmosa is raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Green Ajah. Known as the "Soldier Amyrlin," she personally leads armies and Aes Sedai into battle. [b]c. 1290 AB[/b] The Trollocs besiege Tar Valon for the fourth time in the wars, but this time manage to breach the gates and storm the city. They are repulsed in extremely heavy fighting. [b]c. 1300 AB [/b] A false Dragon, Yurian Stonebow, declares himself. [b]1301 AB[/b] The Battle of Maighande is fought. The most decisive battle of the Trolloc Wars, the back of the Shadowspawn armies is broken, and the clean-up of the remaining, rogue bands can begin. Rashima Kerenmosa dies during the battle, taking nine Dreadlords with her. [b]c. 1308 AB [/b] Yurian Stonebow is captured and gentled. [b]c. 1350 AB [/b] The Trolloc Wars end with the destruction of the final Trolloc army south of the Mountains of Dhoom.[/hider] [hider=Shadowspawn, Types thereof:][i](These Shadowspan can be featured in the RP)[/i] Trollocs Myrddraal Darkhounds Gray Men Jumara/Worms Draghkar[/hider] [b][color=92278f]Rules[/color][/b] [list][*] Be kind to me and your fellow RP friends. If you have a problem with someone take it to me. If it's a large problem, take it to the mods. [*] Use proper grammar and spelling. This is the advanced section for a reason. [*] Listen to Me and my Co-GM, Durandal. We make the rules. [*] Having romance is fine. Follow guild rules on what needs to be taken to PMs. [*] If you do not post (or talk to me/ Durandal) in two weeks I will incapacitate your character. If it's been a month said character will die. If after that you return you'll have to make a new character. [*] Standard rules, no Godmoding, controlling others characters, etc... Please use standard courtesy. [*] And because not everyone has finished the WoT series, please try to put major spoilers behind hider tags. [*] No Known Character is "claimed" until I accept their CS. I will not honor "dibs".[/list] [b][color=92278f]Characters[/color][/b] All characters are allowed. Last time I had people worry about over powered characters and the like. I have to say, at this point I'm not going to limit who characters can be. Nor their power levels. I trust you to be able to create a dynamic character set without me ordering people around. If that changes, I'll cross that hurdle when I get there. Typical characters can be: [list][*]Aes Sedai (Women or Men. If you choose to be a male channler know you will die terribly and the Aes Sedai will come after you to kill/gentle you.) [*]Warders (If there is an Aes Sedai you can ask that player if they wouldn't mind if you could play their Warder) [*]Ta'veren (Are also acceptable and desired) [*]Any other character you'd so desire (Kings down to a shepherd)[/list]The only characters I'm outright banning as a MAIN character are shadowspawn. If you have a MC and want to play a shadowspawn, knock yourself out. You can also have as many characters as you want. You can also be one of the "known" characters from the time.[hider=Character Sheet (Standard)][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Nationality/ Race:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Photo) [b]Physical Description:[/b] (Written) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Strengths and Weakness:[/b] [b]Other:[/b][/hider][hider=Character Sheet (Aes Sedai)][b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Nationality/ Race:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Photo) [b]Physical Description:[/b] (Written) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]History:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] (Aes Sedai (Which Ajah?), Accepted (What Ajah do you want/What are you best at), Novice, Wilder) [b]Strengths and Weakness:[/b] [b]Warders:[/b] (Do you have any Warders? Are they played by other people? Put that here)[/hider][i]*Yes, you can add and subtract things from the CS. Make it pretty or ugly. Just as long as it all the relevant information I want*[/i] [b][color=92278f]Applying[/color][/b] In order to have your character accepted you cannot post it in the CS tab until I (Or my Co-GM) tells you that you can. If you do so without permission that character is automatically rejected. If you have a plot idea you do not want to share with the group, PM me. I'm always willing to hear new ideas and to work with them. [center][h3][i]To all the lurkers we are currently [color=39b54a][b]ACCEPTING[/b][/color] characters.[/i][/h3][/center]