Name: Calvin 'Cali' O'Riley Appearance: [img] [/img] Age: 25 Gender: Male Occupation: Professional baseball player Hobbies: Hunting. All sports obviously baseball but also soccer. He loved teaching and volunteering on his spare time. Drawing/Painting Strategic games and puzzles (Sudoku, Chess, Crosswords etc.) Values: Calvins career was based on [b]Hard work [/b] Calvin also values [b]honesty [/b] Being part of organized sports [b]Working as a team [/b] is valued to Calvin When Calvin sets his mind to something he always has been [b] Driven [/b] to finish it Goal: Calvin wants to open and manage a sports facility that houses multiple different sports to accommodate the people of the College. To keep peoples spirits up watching organized sports and keeping fit. He also wants to get small sports league going. Associated NPCs: None known surviving. History: Calvin was born and raised in Kansas City where he had been playing baseball since he was 5 years old. Calvin was blessed with a few good breaks while putting all of himself into his young baseball career and making it quite successful. He was signed as shortstop to the San Francisco Giants in 2011 right out of high school, where he spent two seasons in the minor league. It was in his third year when he stepped up into the San Francisco Giants professional roster after putting in two hard years in the minors and during training camps he was called up and absolutely stepped up. Calvins wife Octavia and two sons Ken and Connor were in San Francisco with her parents on June 10th, while Calvin was away on a 6 game road trip to Kansas City than St. Louis. This was a normal event for them since Octavia didn't like be alone during road trips. Kansas City was where Calvin and the team were on June 10th. The team was on the field of Kauffman Stadium getting warmed up for the first game of the series against the Kansas City Royals when the clock struck 9:12am when literally thousands people collapsed to the ground. Managers, coaches, officials, players and fans dropped, not all of them but most fell. No one knew what was happening so all of the people who had survived this immediately panicked and sprinted towards the exit signs of the stadium where even more lives were lost due to trampling. The surviving members of the team including Calvin made it to the bus just when it struck 9:18am. Luckily the bus driver was still in the bus or none of the team would have survived since they were in the open when bodies started to rise up, but no one was the same was before they collapsed. Calvin received a phone call on his cell around 10am from Octavias father saying that he was the only one who survived this Apocalypse. Calvin insisted that he was going to get him after checking on his parents but he refused saying that he didn't want to stick around after losing his wife, only daughter and grandchildren before his eyes. Calvins world was crumbling around him but he knew that he would have to stick around to help his team survive. The remaining San Francisco Giants barricaded itself in the team bus for 2 days while waiting for some of the zombies to dissipate from the stadium, since there was so much unoccupied vehicles on the road it wasn't possible to maneuver the bus through them. The 10 remaining members managed to find two decent sized cars that could fit them all and travel to Calvins parents since they still lived in Kansas City to check to see if they were alive. On the way to Calvins parents house one of the cars got overtaken by looters and they lost 5 of the team, but there was no use trying to protect them since the looters were better equipped having guns while they only had a bag of baseball bats. When they got to his house he found that his parents house was unoccupied but no signs of blood or forced entry or struggle. His fathers Nissan 350Z wasn't in the garage when they got there so there was hope that they were still alive somewhere. The guys had gotten a change of clothes and a little bit of food in them since they had this whole house to themselves, this was where they planned to stay to ride out this dilemma since it was secure and stocked with food. Calvin was hoping that his parents would come back to the house knowing that he would be in Kansas City at this time. Four days into their stay at Calvins parents house during the early morning they had a breach where a dozen zombies broke down the back door and invaded the house. It was at dawn most of them were still asleep so they were caught off guard, while exiting the house only Calvin and his teammate Donny escaped with their lives; however Donny didn't make it out of the altercation unharmed, he had gotten a bite to his thigh. There was a bulletin board that had a hand scribbled note there was college that was being used as a sanctuary. Calvin thought that this might be his best chance to save Donnys life and possibly find his parents. Calvin jumped into the first car that he could find that had the keys in it and in good condition placing Donny in the back seat so that he could lie down and rest. Maybe Calvin should have looked at the fuel light before jumping hastily into the car since it didn't have enough gas to make it to the college, hoping that another car might pass them and give them a lift however two days passed and not a single vehicle came through. Donny was unfortunate having obtained a fever from the infection that associated the zombie bite, he was no longer walking among the living. During this whole ordeal Calvin had managed to avoid killing an actual zombie but he figured that he owed it to his friend to give him mercy from this curse set upon him. Upon setting on foot the morning of June 17th Calvin walked for miles but never finishing off a zombie, he was ready to give up when he finally seen it. The college Calvin finally made it to the college after one full week after the beginning of this Apocalypse. Calvin spent his time helping around the college with tasks that needed work and the rest of the time he just wanted to be by himself reflecting on everything that he lost in his life and he also found out that his parents weren't at this college. Instead of leaving to search for his parents he seen that there was potential and safety here and the chances of finding his parents a week after the Apocalypse were slim to none so Calvin decided to stay offering his services.