[b]Name:[/b] Royale "Roy" Patterson [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Roy Patterson] [img]http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/4e85cc4cecad04ce7a000040/keep-your-fingers-crossed-that-rumors-of-who-will-play-the-next-james-bond-are-true.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 41 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Underboss, East Side drug organization [b]Hobbies:[/b] Basketball- Roy enjoys a good game of basketball now and then. Piano- At his grandmother's insistence, he took lessons as a child, and he's kept with it since. Hunting- Roy likes to go after small game from time to time. [b]Values:[/b] Respect, ambition, wealth, protecting women and children (albeit in a condescending and patronizing way) [b]Goal:[/b] Roy is of the opinion that the best way to survive in this dangerous new world is through material wealth. Accordingly, he wishes to set up both a very well-stocked armory and a stockpile of supplies (food, fuel, medicine, clothing, etc), reasoning that what they don't use themselves can be used to trade or negotiate with any other groups they may encounter. If these need to be taken by force, so be it. [b]Associated NPCs:[/b] None [b]History:[/b] Royale Patterson grew up poor in inner-city Kansas City, raised intermittently by his grandmother. With little formal schooling, he fell into the trap so many disadvantaged youth do- dealing drugs. Selling cocaine and heroin on street corners, he managed to impress the higher-ups with his intelligence and was able to work his way up to supervisory positions. He didn't think much of the "gangsta" lifestyle, though, and he aspired to the classier high life he saw on television- tailored suits, fine wines, a skyscraper condo. Accordingly, he began carefully investing his money in legitimate businesses. This not only increased his income, but gave him a chance to launder the organization's dirty money. Years in the drug game were beginning to pay off. Patterson managed to get well away from the street business of Kansas City (he hasn't even seen cocaine for years) and into the real power plays, advising the boss himself. Roy bought himself a condo in 909 Walnut, a Mercedes-Benz, a cellar of fine wines. He rubbed shoulders with lawyers, businessmen, and politicians, often joining them for duck and turkey shoots. Roy Patterson was content, but there was a nagging boredom. However, then the Cataclysm occurred. Rather than try to link up with what remained of his gang, Roy instead opted to flee Kansas City, correctly anticipating their numerous rivals would try to settle accounts now that law enforcement was more or less out of the picture. Eventually, after false starts seeking shelter at Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley, he managed to fall in with the refugee column, making it to Nathanson and participating in the brief battle that cleared out the campus. It's become clear to Roy what the cause of his boredom was- he had already made it back on top. Now, the situation calls for the street-smart gangster he once was, but maybe he could claw his way up to the sophisticated leader once more.