[b]Name:[/b] (Rank) Captain (Family Name) Ishida (Given Name) Hisashi [b]Appearance:[/b] Hisashi is not a very tall man, standing at the average height of 1.78m. As he had been practising in the traditional arts of Kenjutsu, Iajitsu and various other armed and unarmed sports, he is toned and hardy, though not to the point of excess that could only be gained through bodybuilding. He found solace in such tradition, but regarded them more as art and fitness regime than anything. His eyes are a dark shade of brown that they appear black in less than bright settings, and as such can be hard to read at times. His hair is simply black, as it would be for asians. Being a soldier, and being traditional, he doesn't dye it. However, as he is more civilian in attitude than military, he did not adopt the standard short, spiky hair, but has let it grow a little bit longer right to the edge of military requirement. He thought it would put his patients at ease. [img]http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20070515&t=2&i=799632&w=580&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=799632[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] JSDF 2nd Kyonshikirapeitai Division Medical Officer [b]Hobbies:[/b] Calligraphy, Bonsai, reading, keeping a journal, somewhat devout Buddhist, Kenjutsu, Iajutsu, Kyujitsu, Karate, Aikido [b]Values:[/b] Hisashi can be said to be idealistic to the core - pacifistic, kind-hearted, gentle, forgiving and through his medical career is approachable to children, whom he genuinely wants to help and protect the most. He would not compromise on his idealism no matter the circumstances. Despite what he had seen, he remained hopeful and confident that the future can't and won't be so bad. As a result of his work, he tends to be organised. His greatest strengths could become his greatest weaknesses. If he was ever forced to compromise, the ordeal would really mess him up. Some would call him stubborn and rigid. Those who came into conflict with his values would probably suffer under him (don't go around killing children, for example). [b]Goal:[/b] Captain Ishida Hisashi's mission was to reestablish communications with the American government. Having been 'defeated' by the Kyonshis (zombies), he had made a strategic retreat to Nathanson College, and now hopes to conduct search and rescue missions to find survivors from his unit again. Eventually, he would want to work on extraction; returning to Japan. In the meantime he plans to stay true to the UN Peacekeeper spirit. When the 2nd Kyonshikirapeitai had landed, they did not hesitate to set up relief camps. Hisashi would want to concentrate on the welfare of whoever approaches them for help: their health, security, food and water situation would be of the topmost priority. [b]Associated NPCs:[/b] Captain Ishida Hisashi's unit was decimated, and he brings with him only a tiny fraction of what it used to be: Sergeant Maiko (Medic) had become his second in command, as every other officers, including senior officers, died. She is a far more practical person, almost survivalist in nature though she wasn't that way initially. Other than that, the rank and file consists of 4 Kyonshikirapeitai infantrymen, 2 drivers and 2 storemen. He was able to secure two American soldiers as POWs (but hadn't decided their fate yet) and 5 civilians, including 2 children. They had arrived on two military supply trucks and a rover. [b]History:[/b] Hisashi was born into a traditionalist samurai family, the kind that did not acknowledge the atrocities of World War 2, the kind that spat at the circumstances leading up to the disbandment of the Samurai. As such, he is brought up this way, and has been practicing the traditional arts required of the Samurai ever since he was able to walk and speak. This traditionalist streak changed, however, when the time came for him to make his decision for further studies. In addition to being traditionalist, everything anyone had ever done in the family is done in the name of joining the military and climbing the ranks there, to fight wars, bring honour to family and country. Instead, he had an interest in medicine, through his study of herbs, and through his friends, who were hoping to get into medical school as well. So he joined them, and flew to a neighbouring province to study in a medical school. His family and clan began to suspect his intentions, but thought it fine as medics are soldiers too. In university, Hisashi had made alot of likeminded friends, including foreigners, and it was there that he learnt more about the atrocities of WW2. He was further encouraged to go down a more pacifistic path, much to the chagrin of his kin. Upon graduation when he was 22, he defied clan orders to join the military, and instead worked in a hospital as a surgeon. After numerous high profile surgeries and 6 years later, he decided to kick back and relax, and promptly became a general practitioner with his own clinic and staff. He got married, and had children five years later. He found out after that that he could relate well to children and their innocence - many of his best patients were children, and so he began specialising as a pediatrician, seeing that they were some of those in most need of medical care. Paradise did not last. It was only a few years later when he was 36 when he clan began to act against his wishes, out of frustration and shame. The ultimatum: join the military or be disowned and abandoned. He gave in, and reluctantly joined the military as an officer. Due to his education, he was offered the position of medical officer, which he took immediately, finding it to be the only escape he has from his circumstances. But he was a reluctant soldier; he was never serious in his exercises and training, and could barely pass his fitness tests and marksmanship package. When the dead started rising and attacking people, Japan was similarly under threat from the strange phenomenon. However, its government did not outright fall immediately due to the people putting cooperation and duty first before self-interest. When the police and military began having difficulty in containing the threat, new units were created to specifically deal with such a special threat. 3 'Kyonshikirapeitai' divisions were raised, and they were hurriedly outfitted with both old and new tactics and equipment to fight the Kyonshi (stiff corpses, as the Japanese calls them). Hisashi was part of this. And when contact with the United States was lost, Japan decided to send a force over to the US to reestablish communications under the banner of the failing UN. Hisashi was also part of this, travelling with his unit, the 3rd Kyonshikirapeitai Division, 2nd Company. Upon landing on the continent however, it became a quagmire. The US Military were executing the citizens they were supposed to protect, and the government was in chaos. The UN Peacekeepers decided to push deeper into the country, set up refugee camps, and search for any representation of the centralised federal government. They were forced to protect the locals from their own soldiers, and fight against said soldiers. Hisashi, however, was comparatively sheltered from all this, as he was usually either tending to the wounded or doing research at a refugee centre field hospital or at most going on simple missions to rescue some locals or give medical help. His shelter, however, would not last. Most recently, he was embroiled in an extended firefight against US Soldiers massacring more locals, which lead to heavy casualties on both sides. His company was decimated but victorious, and he was left as the acting commander of his unit with only a few soldiers in it still alive, who in turn had to keep a POW they captured and a few civilians alive. What he had seen in the mess that followed the rising of the dead had damaged his confidence and hope for the future, his optimism, but he held on. He held on, just as he did when he was forced to become a soldier, and so he will do so again, and again. [h2]Extra Information[/h2] [b]Weapons:[/b] Howa Type 89-F Rifle, carbined with foldable stock and RCF module. SCK/Minebea 9mm Pistol, aka Sig Sauer P220. 2 Fragmentary Grenades. Bayonet. Katana. Wakizashi. [b]Equipment:[/b] Type 88 Helmet with Visor. Helmet Camera. Radio set. Kevlar Vest. Riot Suit with hinges at knees area for leg support and powering electronics via kinetic energy, built in compartments for holding the following: water canteen, hydration bladder, 2 additional magazines for pistol, 2 for rifle. Forearm Mounted Computer with tactical software, GPS, Medical assistant, mission logs, camera feed and a whole host of other programmes. JSDF Woodlands Camo uniform with equipments matching in style. Captain's rank patch. Medical Officer's Brassard. 2nd Kyonshikirapeitai's Brassard. Japanese Flag Patches. Medic's fieldpack w/ solar panel connected to all electronics. Fieldpack contains personal field kit including another 3 sets of uniform, toiletry kit, a pair of sandals, jogging shoes, 6 packs of MCW/LRP Rations (there used to be more but he wasn't resupplied) and 3 packs of accessory rations (which contains morale boosters like biscuits and candy and coffee powder), entrenching kit, rifle cleaning kit, sewing kit. He is carrying medical supplies inside, which includes a medkit, surgical tools, drugs (anaesthetics, paralysing agent, antibiotics, painkillers, etc), medical supplies and even health supplements for relief work.