[quote=@Darkraven] [b]Name:[/b] (Rank) Captain (Family Name) Ishida (Given Name) Hisashi [/quote] You know, it was specifically mentioned that the US President was actually in Kansas at the time of the disaster, so in light of his mission it would be logical for Hisashi to head directly there without stopping to set up and maintain refugee camps. I'm not crazy about the UN aspect of the character, to be honest, (given the nature of the disaster I'm not sure how functional they would be, considering most of their member states are not likely to be in any shape to make any kind of contribution, though I can see the Japanese government continuing to operate) though I think it makes perfect sense to send JSDF personnel to try and link up with the POTUS. In short, I think maybe the character just works better as a representative of the Japanese government rather than the UN. Just a couple thoughts, you're welcome to take or leave them. Accepted.