Jackson shrugged at Kanoa's response, as that really didn't explain anything. He got that it moved, by why to Maine of all places. Seems like ab awful long way to go, even if they did use some sort of spiritual transportation. He spared a glance at Orion and some new guy as they came over. 'You should take that knife and-' Aphosis began his usual schtick with torture and death and mutilation, to which Jackson tuned out with a steady train of 'Shut up' thoughts. This kind of thing would terrifying, if he wasn't dealing with it on a near constant basis. He was pretty sure he could watch a grisky chainsaw massacre happen ih front of his eyes, and only be slighty perturbed by it, that was how desensitized to violence he'd become. "Nothing much Orion, just discussed the likelyhood of Kanoa leading us to our doom, then eating our, how did you put it Mary, 'nubile teen bodies' or something like that. Can someone tell me the hell that even means, nubile that is." Jackson response was a little harsh in tone, but his lack of sleep, his irritation at having to get up so early(he wasn't a morning person), and dealing with the psycho spirit in his head made him rather grouchy. (Time skip to Cabin) "You know, Mary's theroy is a lot less crazy sounding now that we're actually here." Jackson couldn't help but comment as they approached the cabin, his eyes roaming over the building unimpressedly. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't this. "I say-" He began, only to cut himself off as Aphosis spoke up in his head again. 'What a nice location for such a thing, I say you start eating the one who just arrived, his confusion and fear will mix quite well together, then-' "Oh my fucking god, will you just shut up already!" Jackson exclaimed in annoyance as he began to pace around. "Every second, of every minute, of every day you've been talking non-stop about how to kill people violently, how to torture people brutally, and tell me over and over to kil everyone I meet. At first, this was terrifying,But only now am cI realizing just how fucking annoying you are. Can you please shut and give me just 5 minutes of uninterrupted mental silence." When he heard no response,he gave a sigh of relief. . . which he quickly swallowed when he remembered he was in front of other people. "Oh, uh, non of thatnwas directed at you guys it was just, you know." Jackson tapped his head, but his flocked ti Daniel, the new one here that hadn't been at the classroom, thus missing his demonstration. 'Oh well, I'll explain it to him later if I have to.' "Soooooooo, we going down the fox-hole or what?" Jackson chose to sit down, acting like his momentary lapse in sanity never happened.