Before the two girls could introduce themselves, all of a sudden a girl just burst out of the nearest janitor closet that they were near off. The two were startled greatly while Walter felt his heart skip a beat but his heroic senses immediately told him something was wrong. Gazing at the blonde girl, Walter saw her clutch her chest as if her heart had failed. "Miss! Are you alright?" He was not sure how to deal with heart failure. The best he could do was speed dial the school doctor. Fortunately the blonde girl began recover though the culprit did not seem to notice the predicament and walked up to introduce herself. The new girl had messy brown hair that fell across her face and on to her shoulder, laying haphazardly on the scarf around her neck. Her name was Kiri and waited for the blonde girl's response. However, Walter briefly interjected. "Um, miss Kiri? I trust your sudden and startling entrance was accidental and will not happen again? You know, for the sake of madam here."