[CENTER][H1]VIGILANCE[/H1][H3]Memento Mori[/H3] [B]| GM: [I][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/lord-wraith]Lord Wraith[/URL][/I] | Co-GM: [I][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/blacksam3091]BlackSam3091[/URL][/I] | Genre: [I]Superhuman, Modern Fantasy[/I] | Type: [I]Linear, Sandbox[/I] |[/B][/CENTER] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]PREMISE:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT][I]While unofficially Hyperhumans, individuals with extraordinary gifts unique to them, have been part of the world since the early 1900's, in the year 2014 they received an unofficial outing at the hands of terrorist Yakob Kowalski. Kowalski having lost his family to a young Hypes' developing abilities, had maintained a grudge over the years culminating with a plan to expose Hyperhumans as dangerous individuals. However he was stopped by S.H.I.F.T., the Specialized Hyperhuman Intervention Federal Taskforce. In light of these events, humanity realized they weren't alone. Originally Canadian based, S.H.I.F.T. was part of the Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection department. In the aftermath of Kowalski's attempts to paint all Hyperhumans as destructive monsters, H.E.L.P. was elevated to an international organization and joined with the United Nations. Now able to work on a global level, H.E.L.P. has discovered they are not the only the only ones interested in Hyperhumans. While there are some who wish to use Hypes to their achieve their own goals or protect their own interests, there are others who wish to see this entire race exterminated.[/I][/INDENT] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]PLOT:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT][B]PRIMARY PLOT:[/B] [INDENT]A strange illness has begun to befall the city of Toronto. So far the cases are isolated but doctors fear that it will prove to be extremely contagious. All reported cases have only thus far affected Hyperhumans. Symptoms include sneezing, headaches and eventually escalating to shakes, shivers, sweating and high fevers. Most importantly, this illness affects a Hyperhumans' ability to use and control their powers. Loss of control is common as is loss of their abilities altogether. So far there are no leads as to what is causing this illness nor how quickly it will spread. The only clue was an ominous warning from the notorious hacktivist group known as Uroborus.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]BACKGROUND INFORMATION:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [INDENT][B]| HYPER HUMANS: |[/B] [INDENT][I]Homo-Virium "Hype"[/I] Humanity has been constantly evolving and adapting to the world around them for centuries upon centuries. Even now, humanity is undergoing major changes as a new race makes itself known. After millennia of Earth being routinely doused in what is known as coronal mass ejections, the side effects are starting to show. The coronal mass ejections or CMEs, are a massive burst of solar wind and magnetic fields being released into space and often directly at Earth. Carried within these events are high energy particles and it is these particles which have begun to cause humanity to change and develop new and sometimes unfathomable abilities. The resulting effect of the high energy particles is an evolution that was first mistaken for a mutation and coined as the condition 'Viriumosis'. As research continued, it was realized that the mutation was not a temporary condition but the start of a new species as the 'Homo-Virium' was not the result of disease but rather was born with their abilities. The genetic difference became known as the 'Hype-Gene' or 'Hype-Factor' and was most common in families with a long spanning ancestry and history. The 'Hype-Gene' was a culminative result of high energy particles stored within the donating parent's chromosomes which resulted in the creation of the 'Hype-Gene' in their offspring. As such, a human born without a 'Hype-Gene' cannot develop Hyperhuman abilities no matter how many high energy particles they absorb throughout their life, however their offspring may be a Hyperhuman. The 'Hype-Gene' isn't exclusively carried within either sex but is a dominant gene within both ensuring that the child of a Hyperhuman will indeed be one themselves. Studies are inconclusive whether powers levels are greater or equal within children who have two Hyperhuman parents. Despite the fact that the 'Hype-Gene' takes a dominant role during the embryo's development, it remains practically undetectable until puberty as it lays in a dormant state until puberty. During puberty, the overwhelming release of hormones awakens the dormant 'Hype-Gene' which then begins to develop super-human abilities within the host. There’s an estimated one Hyperhuman per every million humans on Earth. This is expected to double in the next ten years and continue on this path until eventually make up the majority of the Earth’s population within the next hundred years.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [HIDER=Hyperhuman Classifications] [B]| HYPERHUMAN CLASSIFICATIONS (H-CLASS): |[/B] [INDENT][B]| ATLAS: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'ATLAS' classifier are those that have abilities that enhance their physical strength and durability. They are often super-strong, invulnerable, or both, but others have heightened reflexes or quickened metabolisms to allow for advanced healing rates - there are even rumours of 'invincible' Atlas-types, Hypes who simply won’t die and/or are durable enough to survive all mortal injuries. Note that ATLAS-types do not include those whose physical enhancements allow them great speed with no strength or durability; these Hyperhumans are designated under the 'MERCURY' classifier. Examples of ATLAS type abilities include: [INDENT]-Enhanced Muscular Structures -Enhanced Skeletal Structure -Hardened Dermal Layer -Increased Rate of Healing[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| CUPID: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'CUPID' classifer are those that have abilities that allow them to influence, produce, or otherwise manipulate emotions in both themselves and others. Often, CUPID-types achieve this through the use of pheromone production, manipulating the hormone levels in the body to stimulate feelings of anger, lust, joy, etc. Most CUPID-types are skilled in manipulating one or two explicit emotions while unable to influence others, but there are stories of CUPID-types with a control over emotions so proficient that it borders on mind control. Examples of CUPID type abilities include: [INDENT]-Pheromone Manipulation -Enhanced Pheromone Production -Emotion Empathy -Emotion Manipulation[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| FORTUNA: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'FORTUNA' classifier are those that have abilities that influence synchronicity; in laymans terms, FORTUNA-types tend to be able to subtly push reality one way or another, affecting things, people, or events in a manner many would liken to luck, good or bad. Whether they cause a simple equipment malfunction, quietly set-up an improbable fortune, or set into motion a wide-spanning chain of events, FORTUNA-types that master their abilities often find themselves living extremely easy lives. Examples of FORTUNA type abilities include: [INDENT]-Probablity Manipulation -Chaos Inducement -Luck Bestowal -Luck Absorption[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| JUNO: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'JUNO' classifer are those that can directly tap into the base genetic code of life and alter or even revitalize biological matter as far as their mastery allows. Most JUNO-types are either healers, able to stimulate the body and knit wounds together, or influence their own bodily form to a small degree - but a true, powerful JUNO-type would be able to split skin, incubate horrible plagues, or have complete control over bone and muscle. Examples of JUNO type abilities include: [INDENT]-Biological Regeneration -Biological Manipulation -Bone Manipulation -Blood Manipulation[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| MARS: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'MARS' classifer are perhaps the most diverse. While all MARS-types are energy manipulators, their abilities vary wildly from Hype to Hype - simply because of the sheer amount of energy forms there are in the universe. Some MARS-types can bend light, making themselves invisible to the naked eye, while others have access to electromagnetic or radioactive energy. While some MARS-types are paltry in terms of power, it is widely regarded that they have the most sheer potential. Examples of MARS type abilities include: [INDENT]-Gravity Manipulation -Magnetism Manipulation -Light Manipulation -Sound Manipulation[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| MERCURY: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'MERCURY' classifer are those that possess extra-normal means of travel from wherever they are to wherever they want to be. The more common MERCURY-types have forms of superspeed or flight, often able to move at speeds unmatched by even the fastest forms of vehicular transport. In addition to unrivaled speed, many Mercury types are able to pass through solid objects so as to remain unhindered by obstacles in their path. Lastly, most if not all Mercury types have a degree of control over friction allowing whether to reduce it to accelerate or increase it when slowing down. The power level of a MERCURY-type is often gauged by their ingenuity - or by the number they can transport. Examples of MERCURY type abilities include: [INDENT]-Enhanced Speed -Intangibility -Flash Step -Flight[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| MINERVA: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'MINERVA' classifer are often the easiest to label - their abilities deal explicitly with the mind, MINERVA-types being pure psychics. While some read minds, others implant suggestions or project thoughts, and the stronger MINVERA-types can move matter with their thoughts, or simply assume direct control of another person's mind and actions. Examples of MINERVA type abilities include: [INDENT]-Telepathy -Telekinesis -Prophetic Vision -Astral Projection[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| NEPTUNE: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'NEPTUNE' classifer are, in their ways, similar to MARS-types. However, NEPTUNE-types do not possess the sheer scope of a MARS-type - instead, their abilities usually focus on one of the four primal elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth), or the secondary offshoots (Ice, Lightning, Nature, etc.). Most NEPTUNE-types weave fire or bring forth boulders, while others manipulate the weather or coax life from the smallest withered seed. NEPTUNE-types with absolute mastery often wield all four elements like they were limbs, and bring the wrath of the most basic components of the universe down upon their enemies. Examples of NEPTUNE type abilities include: [INDENT]-Fire Manipulation -Nature Manipulation -Electric Manipulation -Water Manipulation[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| ORCUS: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'ORCUS' classifier are, quite often, the most paranoia-inducing of Hypes. Most are chameleons, able to change their face and become whomever they desire - but others can change more monstrously, taking on bestial aspects, or alien ones. Whatever an ORCUS-type is capable of doing, it is usually safe to refuse what they initially present themselves as. Examples of ORCUS type abilities include: [INDENT]-Animal Mimicry -Shape Shifting -Invisibility -Transfiguration[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| SATURN: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'SATURN' classifer are, by default, the most powerful, most feared, and most scarce. Their abilities are not as specific as other Hypes, nor are they as wonderful or flashy. Instead, SATURN-types manipulate the very fabric of the cosmos, dipping their hands into the Space/Time Continuum, and molding it to a shape they see favourable. Some SATURN-types bend time, speeding, slowing, and stopping it to their desire, while others simply create matter from thin air, or remove displeasing matter from existence. More commonly, SATURN-types take the form of teleporters, capable of folding space together to travel instantly from one location to another, others creating rips in space to bridge two locations using portals. SATURN-types are few and far between, but given their reputation, most see this as a blessing. Examples of SATURN type abilities include: [INDENT]-Teleportation -Portal Creation -Reality Manipulation -Time Manipulation[/INDENT][/INDENT] [B]| VULCAN: |[/B] [INDENT]Hyperhumans designated under the 'VULCAN' classifer are often thought to be a mash of many other Hype classification, but all of them are creators, far more than simple artists or sculptors. They compress matter or manipulate energy to form ethereal shapes and objects that they then manipulate either bodily or mentally, throwing up ghostly walls as solid as the thickest steel, or forming fists that hit almost as hard as an ATLAS-type could. Most VULCAN-types are limited only by the scope of their own imagination, and the strongest create what they believe the world is missing. Examples of VULCAN type abilities include: [INDENT]-Ferrous Constructs -Energy Constructs -Telekinetic Constructs -Non-Sentient Animation[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/HIDER] [hr][CENTER][B]| [I]F.A.Q.:[/I] |[/B][/CENTER][hr] [HIDER=Frequently Asked Questions] [B]Is this an original universe superhero RP?[/B] [INDENT][I]Yes it is.[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can I make an original character?[/B] [INDENT][I]Yes you may.[/I][/INDENT] [B]How many players are you looking for?[/B] [INDENT][I]My original intention is to have an always open RP keeping in mind that players tend to come and go. That said if at any one time, the player counts gets over 20 I will temporarily close acceptances until I have inactive players to remove from the roster.​[/I][/INDENT] [B]What kind of powers am I allowed to use?[/B] [INDENT][I]Preferably powers which fit into one of the above listed 'Hyperhuman Classifications.' Almost any power will work for this RP but note there's an emphasis on choosing one power as opposed to choosing a powerset in the vein of 'Superman'. Since this is a group RP you need to realize you'll have allies to make up for your short comings so don't try to be well rounded, let yourself have weaknesses and take damage.[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can my character use magic, be a vampire/werewolf/god/alien etc?[/B] [INDENT][I]No. The characters for this RP are all to be humans who have the 'Hype-Gene'. A regular human using gadgets or tech is allowed but within this universe superpowers only come from the 'Hype-Gene'.[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can I have more than one character?[/B] [INDENT][I]It is requested that you start with one character and make several posts before creating another. That said the answer is yes just not immediately.​[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can my character be bad/evil?[/B] [INDENT][I]As VIGILANCE provides an open world environment, your character may be of whatever alignment that you wish. That said, if you plan to wreak havoc upon the city, you will need to submit a plot to a GM for approval first. If you simply wish to rob a store you may go ahead or if you wish to team up with another evil character’s plot then you need to ask the player in charge of it. Likewise good players are free to roam the city and stop petty crime but if you wish to stop a crime ring you need to submit a plot or join a plot that otherwise satisfies your needs.​[/I][/INDENT] [B]Can my secondary character be evil?[/B] [INDENT][I]See above point.[/I][/INDENT] [B]What's the plot going to be like?[/B] [INDENT][I]There is going to be multiple plots at all time. The GM will provide the primary overarching plot which will firstly follow recovering the city before working into a much larger plot. However there will be numerous secondary plots going on at all time. To begin with the GM has provided a couple however after the first ‘chapter’, secondary plots will be able to be player submitted. If a player submitted plot is approved it will be posted in that section detailing how many players the submitter is looking for a general summary of that plot. These plots will be able to range in variety as they are up to you the player to design. Players are also encouraged to have personal character plots to follow in order to develop their characters. While you don't have to always participate in subplots every 'chapter' it is encouraged that you intertwine your personal plot with these subplots and the main plot in order to involve yourself with other players. Even expand your personal plot to a subplot submission to involve other players for an arc or two.[/I][/INDENT][/HIDER]