[b]Beatrix Heilmeier[/b] Trix heard the message and relished in the chance to get her hands on some alien tech. She needed to know how they ran things, what powered everything, and maybe this would help her convince people we didn't need Adamantite. So she packed up a bunch of stuff into a torn and dirty duffle bag. She threw it over her shoulder and grabbed one of her favorite inventions. A gun she made, that only fired when she used her power on it. So its safe and can't be used against her, downside it was quite large, so she strapped it to her back. She locked up the workshop and made sure everything was safe before she headed out for Haven. She stood out quite a bit when she got to the Haven Airport, with baggy, oil stained jean and a worn singlet that stopped just above her belly button. The large contraption strapped to her back of course didn't help, but she didn't seem to fazed as she walked around the airport looking around, oblivious to the people around her. She had never been to Haven, so the new surrounding interested her.