[b][b]CURRENTLY STILL ACCEPTING!!![/b][/b] UNNATURAL CAMPUS GM: MikkishtheLeprechaun Co-GM: mmarage The Unnatural World: For longer than records here on Earth will tell, there have always been supernatural creatures hiding among the human race and out of sight. Perhaps there was a time long ago when they showed themselves to the human race, unafraid of punishment or execution, but if there was ever such a time, it has been gone for a long, long time. Now, in the modern era, the year 2008 to be exact, humans go about their business, thinking such things as vampires and werewolves to only exist in novel or book ideas, and of magic as being explainable tricks and optical illusions. Most never stop to consider how wrong they may be. Vampires, werewolves, demons, goblins, nucklavee, and any mysterious being of ancient legend, was thought up for a reason. They exist, out of sight to most, or hiding as one of us. However, the human race is in little danger of attacks. Aside from in fighting on the part of supernatural beings, there is also the fear of human aggression. Believe it or not, due to the advancements of weapons and tactics, the supernatural are not only afraid of humans much more than humans fear them, but are mostly perfectly content to go about their own business, without any plans to rule above the human race. Magic: Magic is seen in many forms of media, including books, movies, and video games, but it is often depicted inaccurately. There is an endless amount of hidden energy all around the universe, and only requires the proper will to harness. A mage needs no ritual, staff, or wand to throw an explosive ball of fire, though such things might help to amplify the power of a spell. Magic has many forms...too many to actually count. There is elemental, physical buffing, healing, blood magic, psionics, and necromancy, to name a few. Unfortunately for non-humans, magic is particularly difficult to do. Humans can most easily aligne themselves with the energy which surrounds them. It is due to this, that the magic schools are almost exclusively human. The World of Mages: Among the many supernatural things which exist without the average humans knowledge is magic. Unlike certain books or movies would have you think, magic is not reserved only for those gifted with the ability. Although there are some who have been reading minds or levitating objects since birth, anyone could learn it through hard study and an open mind. Men and women able to harness magic are known as mages. Though mages have been forced into hiding long, long ago, they still have many academies worldwide for the purpose of learning magic and expanding upon their knowledge of magic. Some are hidden in deep forests, some are deep beneath the sea, some are in flying cities.... And some are on islands... Gotha Island Far off the coast of California, there is an island the size of a small country, cursed long ago, so that only mages could find it. If you are an average joe and never even praciced magic though, you will not see it, and should you take a boat out into the pacific and run into the island, you will pass right through it. The island is also undetectable by satellites. The island is split up into three sections: A mountain area, a jungle area, the city, and the actual school. Located along the western edge of the island, the beautiful mountain area is, well, rocky, mostly, with a few plants growing out the side. There are some hiking trails, mines where some of the raw material comes from, and a rock elemental magic class occasionally has classes here. Some of us may appreciate, other features of the mountain area. In some abandon mines, small time gangs run their operations, or even worse, covens attempt rituals which spell bad news...for the whole island. Covering most of the island, the lush jungle area is full of trees, and plants, and bugs, animals too, if you couldnt guess by the name. There are also hiking trails, of course, and classes are sometimes held out here. Though it is often hot and humid, the trees above shade anyone walking through the jungle. Ruins can be found all throughout, looking to be of Roman architect. Oh...I forgot to mention, there's drug labs, and other illegal operations hidden within the jungle, and lone mages are often jumped and mugged, if not killed. Located at the center of the island, the sprawling metropolis is home to many, many mages, in case you didn't know. There is a beautiful view of the mountains from here, but the towering buildings block the view from the streets, but the green jungle still surrounds the concrete jungle, and there is a bay going inward all the way to the city, allowing for a gorgeous view of the vast, blue ocean, and a boardwalk full of excitement. The rest of the city is marvelous, where magic mixes with modern technology, the air is clean even in the industrial area, and magic is used by most in daily life. The law is rather loose on things such as marijuana and simple fighting, as evil rituals and human sacrifices are a much bigger problem than a few pot heads. Strangely, the crime rate in the city is relatively low, likely due to the powerful magic the law enforcement wields. Then there is the academy... The Merlinus Academy These halls of learning are located at the northern tip of the city where the streets pavement meets the forest grass. There are pillars at the front entrance of both of the massive school buildings, and a single dorm building as big as a mansion. The outdoor vegetation surrounding the academy is well kept, and must be constantly taken care of, as the track field, football field, and baseball field are constantly being torn up by the spell flinging students. The indoor school is much like any college. The teachers are experienced and give difficult tests, and the students freak out over grades and form cliques all the time. Telepathic and physical buff students are the preps, psionics and elemental magic is practiced by the nerdy/geeky students, and blood magic/necromancy/conjuring is done by the gothy students. When first coming, the students are given a schedule and a dorm room number, and are offered a tour of the place. The student may then experience college just like anyone in the "average" world. Go to classes, get good grades, then get a good job on the island, one of the other schools throughout the world, or elsewhere in the hidden supernatural world. There are many more opportunities for a graduate of this place than one would think. If a mage changes their mind, they may have documents forged for a school of their choice, but with the grades they earned here at Merlinus. Now that we should all have an idea of the setting, lets talk about... The Character Creation System: So I made this system to prevent overpowered characters from being made. There are three different types of skills: Magic, Non-Magic Combat, and Support Skills. These are the useful abilities of your characters. You get 10 points to spend with Magic skills, 10 points to spend on Non-Magic Combat, and 10 to spend on Support Skills. Magic skill points effect how skilled you are with certain forms of magic, so say you have 1 point in blood magic, then you know very little and cant boil enemies blood, control people, or make people bleed out of all their orifices. The most you can do at 1 point here is slow blood clotting slightly or give someone a nose bleed. With Non-Magic Combat and Support Skills, its the same as far as skill points. Non-Magical Combat is how proficient you are with your fists or certain weapons. Support Skills are skills that are not combat related and might help the party during the rp in ways like getting into a locked up building, getting confidential info, making money, or otherwise. Let me give an example of what your characters starting skills might look like: Magic: Telepathy: 1 Psionics (Pyrokinesis): 5 Healing: 4 Non-Magic Combat: Hand to Hand (MMA): 3 Clubs: 4 Guns (Rifles): 3 Support Skills: Infiltration: 2 Guitar: 5 Hacking: 3 Notice how with certain skills I put another word parentheses. This is because there are different variants of these skills. For psionics, there is pyrokinesis, telekinesis, cyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, and others. For hand to hand there are various different fighting styles and martial arts. For guns, there are rifles, shotguns, handguns, and machine guns. These are only examples of skills, and are not the only skills you may have. After you create your character, your character will need to train, study, or get experience with a skill to earn more points for it. Lets say you get into a lot of fist fights. Eventually your hand to hand will rise by one point. You may put any skills for each you can think of, so long as they match the description I gave for each in the first paragraph. The skill cap at the beginning is 30, but will raise as the plot advances. Now that we have gone over the general idea of the game, here are The Rules: 1. I am gm, my word is law. 2. No overpowered characters. The character creation system pretty much prevents that, but if you find some loophole and your character winds up being too powerful, I will have you edit your post. Also, no controlling other characters. 3. The combat is written out by the players, and there is no hp system, but dont use this as an excuse to make your character unbeatable. I made the game without hp or anyone having to roll dice because I trusted everyone would know when their character was hit or defeated. 4. No time skips without my permission. 5. No arguing or flame wars in the game or discussion. 6. If you are leaving, post that you are leaving first so we dont have hold ups. If you want to come back after a long absence, tell me via pm so I can work your character back into the story. 7. No killing others characters. You can only defeat player characters, with NPC's, have fun. 8. Cursing is fine, gore description is fine, and other adult themes are fine. If two characters are having a love scene, however, keep it PG-13. 9. Being that my word is law, if I catch you doing something that is not posted here in the rules that I dont think should be allowed, I will either tell you to edit, or never do it again. CS Template: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: (Please dont write TBA. At least put something down so we have a general idea what your character is like.) Magic: Non-Magical Combat: Support Skills: History: Notable Items: (Any items your character has that are significant)