Atreides moved at the same time as the cursed soldier did, the Dragon opting to pursue the slower, hardier, target out of the two. Lightning arcing along his left arm, he blasted additional blows against the beast's hide, splitting scales away now from the repeated attacks and starting to really get under the thing's skin, no pun intended. Of course, as planned, Sable was already up and moving, and the dragon started aiming for the skies. Nope, Atreides decided, not that easy. Changing up his magic, he started lobbing unstable looking stones from the ground, that shattered before impact, shredding wing fabric on one side as Sable went about taking the other wing apart. Not much else he was going to do from this range at the moment, not that he didn't want hitting Sable. She was in a lot of splash range, as it were. But down the beast came, Sable driving it into the dirt from on high. He reckoned she would be alright, all things considered, and he did indeed check briefly to ensure that, after the crash landing she was alright, he turned to address the most important thing in mind at the moment. The cursed soldier, the dead man still moving about under his own power. Well, whether it was [i]his[/i] own or not was not necessarily the point right now. But he approached the man, for lack of better terms, hand resting on his sword just in case and spoke again to the deadman, although considering the previous silence, he was not sure what to expect out of the man. He remained frank and to the point still, he couldn't know how this soldier was going to act. [color=0072bc]"Good work, for working under a curse like that. So, biggest question I have out of all the ones I could ask is this. You going to remain friendly, or are we going to have to disagree after bringing that thing down?"[/color]