Torva Pectoris Nickname: Torva Species: Wolf Daeva Age: 25 Hair Color: Dark Gray, with streaks of black Hair Style: Long and ragged. Unkempt but clean. It goes down to around his lower back, and while he generally lets it hang free, sometimes he'll tie it into a ponytail to keep it from getting stuck on branches Eye Color: Sky Blue Skin Color: White, but tanned from years in the sun. Mostly covered by hair. Height: 6'3" Body Build: Tall and muscular. His muscles are toned, but not huge, as he's built for speed and not strength. Clothing: Torva dresses in simple farmhand attire. His shirt is a loose fitting tan cotton with cutoff sleeves. He wears simple brown pants and generally goes without shoes. In the event that he has to go into town, he generally wears simple pauper's shoes and trades in his shirt for a plaid long-sleeved shirt. A basic belt holds his pants up, with loops on the pants generally used for tying objects to, like a money bag. Physical Quirks: An injury during his journey has caused him to become unable to transform fully into a human, leaving him looking at-best like a werewolf. Weapons: Generally fights bare-handed, although he is capable with a simple bow and arrow when hunting. Background: Torva grew up the poor son of a Daeva in the moutains north of Xerxes. His father preferred his family stay away from others, instead focusing on being self-reliant. As such, Torva spent much of his childhood learning to farm, fish, and hunt. Now an adult, he followed in his father's footsteps and built his own home outside of town, venturing in once a month for supplies. A lifetime of hunting and hard work in isolation has turned in an honest, if not somewhat ignorant, man. This is only complicated by the fact that his father went feral when he was just 18, leaving a mark on his family name that he cannot escape. As such, Torva has finally decided that the world is not working hard enough to find a cure, and has packed up and set out for town to discover for himself exactly why his people are afflicted so. After traveling with the group for so long, he has fallen deeply in love with the Seraphim Hagumi, and together they continue to search for a cure and fight through the intolerance that such a pairing will create. Extra: A lifetime of injuries living alone in nature has made Torva a capable field medic. Unfortunately, he is more a hunter and tracker than a fighter, and while he is more than capable of defending himself, can't quite match the skill of a soldier, and certainly not the destructive power of a mage.