[color=00aeef][b]Progenitor:[/b] NadareRyu[/color] [color=92278f][b]Successor:[/b] Masaki Haruna[/color] [center][h1][i]A CERTAIN CHAOTIC ACADEMY[/i][/h1][/center] [i][COLOR=#696969]Five years have passed since the trans dimensional conflict of Aleister Crowley had been put to an end. Few knew of these events and the handful of people who were caught in this collision are now living their lives in peace. Many have moved on, or have stayed to their roots. Kiyoshi is now a teacher, much like Kenobi five years ago. The conflict has been put to its end, but the darkness that surrounds Academy City hasn't diminished one bit. Even now, Aleister's plans go into action and those who work for him never stopped pursuing their dreams. In this new age, Kiyoshi will lead his students to a path like no other. Will this be their greatest achievement or their demise?[/COLOR] [/i] The rules of the universe. All high and mighty. No one can defy them, and all must obey. The dead cannot be brought back to life, the laws of physics, number 42, and of course, the rule about nothing is impossible. They said it was impossible to have Dual Skill, or even Multi-Skill. They said Hybrids cannot be produced. Well, they are going to be proved wrong, in this particular academy. An academy that not only achieves the impossible, but brings in trouble as well. Many apply for Hybrid Academy, but only so many can actually get the application. You are here because you want to be in the so called 'best' academy in Academy City. You are here because everyone who came out of this Academy are, in some ways, different to how everyone else are, not just because many of them are Hybrids. You are here to quench your curiosity and explore the very depths of your own abilities. Ways to get into the academy are quite bizarre, as nothing guarantees your entry into Hybrid Academy. Just what is this academy, that does not follow any set guidelines to become a great learning institution? Well, if you want to know, apply to Hybrid Academy, "[COLOR=#008000][I]Where Chaos is the Norm.[/I][/COLOR]" Welcome to Hybrid Academy, [I][COLOR=#008000]Where Chaos is the Norm[/COLOR][/I]. It is the first academy of its kind to band together both Magicians and ESPers. From here, students will learn how to better control their ability, magic, or both. Our teachers here are of the best, possessing proficient skill in the art of teaching. We have espers that can teach the students how to use their ability safely and magicians who will instruct the ways of mana. We even have former students who graduated from our Hybrid program coming back to teach as well. You might ask, why should you enrol into this academy. Well, do days off sound nice to you? Yes, we celebrate all holidays and such, ranging from two weeks for Hanami to Tanabata. Not only that, we have plenty of field trips, funded from the magic and science sides. Our goal is for everyone to have fun and learn with all their hearts. What are you waiting for? Join now, and become a part of this prestigious academy! [B]General Rules[/B]: [LIST] [*]No godmodding [*]No perfect characters (Mary Sue and Gary Stu) [*]Listen to the GMs and Co-GMs [*]One-lining not acceptable [*]Beware the gore. Take whatever smut to PMs. [*]Respect everyone. Please do not argue (OOC. Do what you need if it is IC) [*]RPG rules apply. [*]Changes may be made with or without notice [/LIST] [B]Must Factor[/B]: [LIST] [*]Some [B]humor[/B]. As long as you have humour, all the other requirements listed aren't as important. Not really needed but this is lively factor! [*]Some [B]knowhow[/B] of A Certain Magical Index and/or Scientific Railgun series. It helps in the long run (as long as you have seen the anime and manga, you have just as much canon information as I do ^^ just ask or wiki the rest and novels the better.) [*][B]Read[/B] the opening posts, please. It'll help all of us in the long run. A summary is available for those who hate walls of text (guilty ^^) [*]Keep Metagaming to the [B]minimum[/B]. It's easy to use information that is not IC, so tread carefully. [*]A [B]regular[/B] posting schedule. I don't expect everyone to post everyday, but if you're going to post periodically and infrequently, it'll only cause problems with the people RPing with you [*]Last but not least. Charisma and Cooperation. [/LIST] In memory of my friend, NadareRyu. [INDENT]Before We Read...[/INDENT] [hider]I made a summary at the end for those people who do not like walls of text so much. It doesn't summarize everything, only certain parts. Post length. Per, see, I am also one of those people who are not fond of walls of text :). If you could, I would like you to keep your posts around 200-500 words (about 2-3 paragraphs). Anything more than 500 would probably be an essay. It’s up to you how you write, but if your character is simply saying hi, you really only need a few sentences, a paragraph at most...[/hider][INDENT][I]Now...[/I][/INDENT] [CENTER][B][U]Character Sheets[/U][/B] [i](Read the other posts before getting onto here)[/i][/CENTER] The characters in this role play are basically split into the three classes: Normalish, Espers, and Magicians. All three have their own set of perks, but the objective is to get them to the Hybrid class. If you do not want to, you do not have to aim for the Hybrid class, but it generally holds a lot of perks. Upon completion on the sheet, I'll wait a sum of hours, 'bout a day before accepting the sheet. During that time, you are free to change whatever you see fit. Once I formally accept it, you are not to make any more edits, unless you get direct permission from me. Make sure you fill in the reason for the edit part. If there are problems with the character sheet before I formally accept it, I will tell you. There is another character sheet for the CC. The reason for that is because sheets in the CCTis in the Bank, an IC object. For that reason, information in the CC should all be IC. [B]Template for Esper abilities[/B]: [HIDER=Esper Stuff] [B]Custom Name[/B] ([I]Actual Ability Name[/I]): Level X; Micro/Macro[INDENT][COLOR="#0000FF"]Special Skill[/COLOR]: [COLOR="#0000CD"]Signature Move[/COLOR]: [INDENT][COLOR="#EA4C50"]Disadvantages[/COLOR]: [/INDENT][/INDENT][/HIDER] [CENTER][B]OOC Character Sheet[/B] [i](Use the format as is if you don't want to code it. This sheet is more important than the CCT Character Sheet)[/i][/CENTER] [B]Normalish/Esper/Gemstone/Magician/Hybrid[/B] [I][Character Type] [Micro/Macro Type][/I] [B]Appearance[/B]: In spoilers please. [B]Name[/B]: (Family name, first name) [B]Nickname/Alias[/B]: Is your character known by another name? List them here, and if not, leave it blank for now. [B]Magic Name[/B]: Typically a Latin word with three digits following it (ex. Insequor029)(For Magicians) [B]Position[/B]: [Judgement, Anti-Skill, Skillout, None, etc.] [B]Faction[/B]: (Optional) Does your character belong in a Faction? If so, be sure to mention it in the biography [B]Seat Number[/B]: The seat you are in; for students [B]Nationality[/B]: Setting is in Japan, so most would be Japanese [B]Age[/B]: Make sure the age matches what the character types are, unless there is an exception. Students are 15-16. [B]Gender[/B]: Male? Female? Trap? Unknown? ????? Put any that you think fits your character ^^ [B]Blood Type[/B]: Required, but only for medical exams and Haemokinesis users. [B]Biography[/B]: Try to get at least three paragraphs [B]Personality[/B]: [Beside Personality use one word or a few that best describes your character. I find this list very helpful [URL]http://vndb.org/i39[/URL] ] Try to get at least one paragraph [B]Likes[/B]: Try to make them obvious enough for other characters to utilize. [B]Dislikes[/B]: [B]Skills[/B]: Is the character good in martial arts? Studying? Social Skills? Cooking? [B]Ability[/B]: Level, Limits and extents (For Espers) [B]Magic[/B]: Level, Styles, Knowledge, Spells and Mana reserves (For Magicians) [B]Theme Song(s)[/B]: (Optional) Is there a song(s) that plays when your character is around? If yes, put it here ^^ (Personally I find non-vocals to be the best theme songs) [B]Extras[/B]: Anything else that is of importance? Type away~