"Please, no need to be formal with me, Ariana. I am definitely not [i]Nishizumi-sama[/i]." Maki replied in fluent Japanese, laughing although her respect for the newbie was increasing after the woman tried to communicate with her in her mother tongue, albeit being obviously out of practice. "Just call me Maki. We'll be fighting alongside each other after all. Knock on my door if you ever need someone to sharpen your skills against, in the ring or simulator." The offer was both an extension of friendship and a helping hand, though Maki would be lying if she denied being curious about the newcomer's skill. Switching back to English for the non-Japanese speakers, she continued. "I'm a little infamous for not slacking off when it comes to doing my homework. If you need someone to teach you about weaknesses of the Coalition machines or tactics, I'll be glad to share what I know. Or if you just have a craving for something sweet." She chuckled at the last one. "And Gerard here will be more than willing to teach you about every brewery in the sector and their finest drink." When Trapp called for them to get ready for inspection, Maki flashed a last smile at Ariana before taking her position. "You're part of the 7th now, rookie, don't act like a recruit fresh out of boot camp." [hr] The inspection was unremarkable. Maki rarely fudged on the Hellcat's maintenance and upkeep, but Captain Alexis noted the few crumbs of her last Pocky snack in the seams of her cockpit seat and said something about sweets being a childish snack. It was the usual jab at her sweet tooth, but Maki didn't mind. The Captain had a way of forming rapport with her men and allowing for stupid banter was one of them. "Well, ma'am, if you ever want to try the Pocky game with me, I'm more than happy to do so and you can tell me if the game's still childish then." She replied with a grin as the Captain just walked off shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Oh, and Nishizumi? You're the second most fearsome woman on this ship next to me, so make sure no one picks on Williams when I'm not watching." Maki flashed a sweet, innocent smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about, ma'am." She didn't hear Alexis' reply, but the pilot could have sworn she heard "Sure you don't." Ah well, it's not like she ever did anything that would be called unprofessional. Pranks were done from time to time, it's not like anyone got hurt. Mostly. Nothing Captain Alexis could prove. [hr] When the inspection ended and Maki found herself back at Willams' machine, she winced as the captain called Eric to her office. "Well, we better get him one of those doughnut cushion things for his ass when he gets back." She commented, leaning back with her elbows on the guard rail and a lollipop in her mouth. "That went awright didn't it, Wiwwiams? The Cap can be intimidating but she's friendwy with us as wong as we don't do anwething stupid." She asked, the lollipop preventing her from pronouncing her words clearly.