[b]Esper[/b] [i][Student] [Micro Type][/i] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/DQsUEu0.jpg[/img] Blessed with a slender frame and soft features, Wataru is nevertheless much stronger than he looks. He stands a mere five foot and is rarely seen out of uniform even on days off. His hair is long and dark, tied back in an elegant ponytail that reaches to the small of his back.[/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Satou Wataru [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] None [b]Position:[/b] Judgement, Junior Member [b]Faction:[/b] None [b]Seat Number:[/b] #19 [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Blood Type:[/b] O [b]Biography:[/b] As one of the lucky few to live in Academy City most of his life, Satou Wataru has attended school here since he was a child. He never really stood out much, coasting along comfortably intul the end of middle school where he finally mustered the will to do something with himself. Opting to join Judegment at 14, Wataru spent the next year undergoing the ruthless training regime suffered by all new recruits. By the end of it his confidence had grown immensely, even if his nature as a social satellite had not. He settled in well with his new co-workers in Judgement's Hybrid Academy branch, earning himself a valued place as an informant and tracker. While his record of arrests was relatively low, his assistance was often a decisive factor when dealing with a delinquent with a strong combat ability. While he had a few good friends within Judgement that he trusted implicitly, Wataru hadn't made much headway with his classmates; something he planned to address in the coming weeks. [b]Personality:[/b] Gentle, relaxed, quiet. While many enjoy the limelight and being the centre of attention, Wataru prefers life on the outskirts of the social group, close enough to join in but distant enough to not be noticed. Despite this, he isn't of a nervous disposition or unsure of himself; he simply enjoys a quiet life without the petty bickering so common among people his age. Wataru's sense of humour is somewhat snide at times, but he generally acts with the best of intentions if not the best of results. [b]Likes:[/b] - People watching - Animals - Reading - Urban exploration - Western food - Outwitting people and people who can outwit him [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Robots - Cameras - Explaining himself - Scary movies [b]Skills: [/b] - Keen eyed observation - English and Japanese literacy - Knitting - Always armed for duty, in one way or another [b]Ability:[/b] Mirage, Level 3 While his ability grants him no real fighting power, Wataru can manipulate the local AIM field to warp what others perceive. Normally he uses it to conceal himself or change his appearance, but can use it to create phantoms to frighten and confuse his opponents, giving him the opportunity to attack in more conventional ways. [b]Magic:[/b] None [b]Extras:[/b] Because his ability is of limited use in combat, Wataru has learnt to be proficient in other weapons to carry out his role with Judgement. His is pretty handy with a wooden cosh and always keeps a taser on his person.