Name: Doctor Specialist Richardson Gender: Male Age: 38 Appearance: [img][/img] Medical Ailments: He is clean, has hayfever and prone to colds. Missing an area to feel low levels of pain (So if he pricks his finger n a needle he cant feel it, but a bullet hole he will feel) Nationality: English - he is a legal immigrant, moved when he was 6 years old Occupation: National Guard and a Doctor in a near by medical centre Four Week History: Doctor Richardson had a normal day at the start, well as normal as a day can be when your pulling a toy car out a rectum and healing broken bones that really should not be broken. Its the perks of being in a walk in medical centre. He was just in a Skype call with an old client complaining about foot pains and a bad flu when the TV came on. This TV doesn't ever work, it has a broken cable which means it can connect but has trouble finding stations, the channel it came on with was the news. The picture was off a CNN news chopper flying around a central city hospital, there were police cars and swat cars parked in a semicircle looking in on the entrance. The feed kept switching to new helicopters to get a better view. When a nurse stepped out covered in blood the medics ran to try to save him... their faces when he bit a chunk out their chest. He settled down for a while knowing that his doctors would be a centre for panicked men a women. After a week of seeing men turn in-front of him he left. Knowing he still had a role in the National Guard he found out where his brigade was placed, it was hard to find because people had gathered around the foot of the door and were pushing in, he knew he should stay to help calm them down but he was posted at the airport and... well that's more important. When he arrived at the airport, he could see why he was posted here. The entrance was filled with more scared people, just these were angrier. They had came out with guns and all manor of weapons, bags manly but a few had sticks and pistole's. He had nearly got past security when he was grabbed by his sergeant. A tall strong man, that had been brought to his knees by the stress he must be under. He had bags under his eyes, sweat dripping down his face and saturating his clothes. He was taken to the barricade they had made out of, well anything they could find. He stood there and waited. The rest of what happened was a blur, someone pushed too hard, someone turned and punched, a guard fired a shot and everyone was caught in a blood bath. he had to get out. So when he heard a truck starting, he jumped from his post and ran to the car, diving in and he is here now. Items of Interest: Bottle of water (0.25 pound), 6 medkits (3 pound), bundle of multiple MRES (10 pound) Weapons: M1 Grand with bayonet(9.5 pounds), M9(952 gams)