[quote=@Gentlemanvaultboy] A prevailing trend across the Zoan type is evidenced. Marco knows how to do it, but Marco is a member of one of the most powerful new world crews. Which is more likely: that Marco is just powerful, with years of experience fighting in the new world under the second greatest pirate to ever live, or that the established Rules of the fruit tupe just don't apply to mythics? [/quote] Except there is not rule stating that I can't. Actually it is with training that Zoans can go upon their own unique transformations. Chopper is one of the weakest in the straw hat and he can assume several different forms with or without Rumble Ball. Which without shows us that his body was always capable of doing it but he lacked the training. Which my character consistently does with his DF. You have no idea what or how long it takes to learn that nor if that is easier for him instead of full transforming. Your prevailing trend is flawed and your "established" rules are a joke. The only thing you are saying to me is that only Marco should be allowed to do it cause none of the other Zoan ventured that DESPITE it not being a rule that Zoan can't do that..which they clearly can cause...Marco. But if we want to go that route, Mythical Zoan don't follow the trend as they are unique and its stated [b]EDIT:[/b] In the end, your opinion doesn't matter. BrodZ, what is your say?