Looking for someone to roleplay a Adventure Dungeon Romance roleplay between two males. Not exactly sure about the details of the roleplay but it would basically be two male characters trapped in a dungeon together, and they have to get to the depths of it to escape. There would also be heavy romance themes, with the possibility of adult content. The roleplay would be completely through PMs. The roleplay would also have many action and adventure scenarios. And the character skeleton will be slightly extensive with the choice of race, skills, birthsigns, and weaknesses. About myself and what I like... - Looking for 1-3 paragraphs per post, sprinkles of more or less are fine too. - At least 2 replies per week, more is welcome but I can get busy. - Exciting advancements in story and colorful characters. - I prefer my male romance without the bold distinction of dominant/submissive traits, I prefer balances. - Communication is important! If you don't enjoy a new post or don't like how the story is going, I'm completely open for revision. - Roleplaying with other males.