[quote=@Shienvien] But here's the dilemma: [i]sometimes[/i] I want to send a notification or be notified. Just ... not with (or for) all basic quotes. Only for those which actually require the person to see the post and potentially answer to it (and I sometimes also don't want to ping people in threads I know they are already watching closely either way). - Which is essentially where the distinction between quotes and quotementions comes in. Does the current system even distinguish between mentions and quotementions? I noticed the "quotes sent" number counts regular quotes, but sadly I forgot to look whether a quotemention counts as both or just quote ... let's see with this post. I also think that letting people disable mentions that people purposefully send interferes with the purpose of being able to ping them in the first place. Random things such as rating notifications being toggleable - I support that. Deliberate pings? Not so much (especially if others won't even know whether the ping "worked" or not - granted, there are people who don't check notifications either way, but on the other hand, being flooded with them is likely to increase the number of people who simply give up on keeping up with them). As I noted before, I see notifications as something to be used rather sparingly, and only when the person's presence is needed (so that they'd be useful rather than annoying). I wonder whether is possible to get several pings to the same person out of a single post with this system. Above there is a quote already, so... [@Captain Jordan] [@Captain Jordan] [/quote] Wouldn't the ability to disable quotes from notifying, but allowing @mentions, satisfy your desire? Honestly, I think fixing the unmentionable quotes (tehe) from notifying is going to be the solution, and you'll just need to remove the @. It takes a bit of forethought, but so does clicking the right button. The other side of it is to strip out the @ mention from quotes by default, and add it back in when you think it's necessary. But I think more people would miss that subtlety and forget to use the feature.