[quote=Captain Jordan]Honestly, I think fixing the unmentionable quotes (tehe) from notifying is going to be the solution, and you'll just need to remove the @. It takes a bit of forethought, but so does clicking the right button.[/quote] I think Mahz said (and BBCode cheatsheet states) that quotes already only notify if there is an '@' in front of the username (as I noted somewhere previously, I've been removing the '@'s in most places ... if I remember to do so, which I don't half of the time). Just to check, though, here is a regular quote which [i]shouldn't[/i] have notified you. - I'd like for both quotes and quotementions to exist (since both already exist and it'd spare people from quoting and [i]also[/i] mention-pinging, in certain instances), but I'd rather it either defaulted to non-mention quotes or had two separate buttons for them. You're right that people who don't read the BBCode sheet would miss the ability to quotemention when it just defaulted to regular quotes, though. Unrelated: Could the white text on hiders be turned black and shadowless on hiders, too? Right now they're the same white-ish text on light grey tabs used to be. (Same deal with several buttons on the site.)