[img]http://cache3.asset-cache.net/xt/164201349.jpg?v=1&g=fs1%7C0%7CFKM%7C01%7C349&s=1[/img] [u]Name[/u]: Sophia Kelt [u]Gender[/u]: Female [u]Age[/u]: 13 years old [u]Medical Ailments[/u]: Young and fragile [u]Nationality[/u]: Washington DC, USA [u]Occupation[/u]: Middle School Student [u]Important Items[/u]: Knife, Screwdriver, Lighter, Bottle of Water, Flashlight [u]Bio[/u]: Sophia hid. She was small and could crawl into places others couldn't. She'd always been an able climber and a nimble gymnast, to the stress of her mother, and her mousy nature found her curled up in small places all the time. When the outbreak got bad, Sophia was on her way home from school. She had been chased by a biter and climbed up and away to hide. She stayed in that tree for two days while chaos and hell broke loose below. When she felt safe enough to descend, and her hunger had grown too great, Sophia made her way to her abandoned home. Her parents were gone or otherwise absent and Sophia hid again. And she continued to hide until she was discovered by an elderly woman named Doris Hink. Sophia's story is nothing without Doris's, a widow before the outbreak and a real go getter in her day. Doris's problem wasn't motivation or will power, it was a seventy five year old body that didn't go like it used to. She became the brains of her and Sophia's little operation, Sophia being the able bodied go-fer. Doris would give Sophia instructions and Sophia would do the tasks. Climbing to unscrew something, going to the basement to bring up tools, scouting the nearby homes to get food. Together, they survived for two weeks like this, storing food and supplies and avoiding any conflict with the undead. But eventually they had to move, so Sophia found them a car and Doris drove, as best she could, into a small pack of undead. If not for the heroics of James Coy, an injured neighbor and fellow survivor, they would have died in that car. James had fallen behind in an earlier attempt to get out of the city because of a broken leg. Despite this, he was able to get them moving again with the use of a gun and gritted teeth. For the GM: At the opening of this campaign, Sophia will be figuring out her place in the community as some think she's too young to help, while others think she should be required to help to keep up her share. The young, small, and quiet youth has dealt with a lot of growing up in the last two months, having seen terrible and frightening things. Sophia thinks she should be allowed to go on retrieval missions and scout because she had been doing it with Doris for quite some time. It's something she's good at. She has a fierce loyalty to Doris and a less, but still strong connection to James. (Free NPCs for the GM to use) [u][b]Secondary Characters[/b][/u] [u]Name[/u]: Doris [u]Gender[/u]: Female [u]Age[/u]: 62 [u]Medical Ailments[/u]: Elderly, Arthritis, Self Rationed Heart Medication [u]Nationality[/u]: Born MidWest, USA. Lived in Washington DC 40+ years [u]Occupation[/u]: Retired Teacher [u]Name[/u]: James [u]Gender[/u]: Male [u]Age[/u]: 31 [u]Medical Ailments[/u]: Broken Leg, Healing [u]Nationality[/u]: Virginia, USA [u]Occupation[/u]: Bar Tender