[center] [h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ2nCGawrSY]Jean Grey[/url][/h1] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/5c61b38a22e4729f659e398e68f5d657/tumblr_mrtywg61tj1scedxpo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jean Grey. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Alias:[/b] Phoenix. [b]Position in School:[/b] Student. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m04fjoMCDF1qb27nuo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Costume:[/b] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/303/d/f/felicia_day_as_tallis_by_skittlefox-d4eiqz5.jpg[/img] [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Once seen to be a sweet and gentle young lady, Jean tends to close herself off to others doing her best to hide the kind and caring girl she once was deep inside of her, the now young woman strongly believing that she is long past the ways of saving; though on the rare occasion her old good intentions and nature slip through the cracks causing her to unintentionally show affection and even genuine helpfulness towards others. A very multi-talented person, Jean can be quite persuasive leading her to be very influential to those around her. Though loyal to only a few, Jean has issues when it comes to trusting others, both causing her see this as both a weakness and a strength. Also brave, selfless, extremely resourceful and highly intelligent, Jean Grey has a very strong and independent survivalist instinct fueled by her difficult past causing her to be quite good at thinking outside the box. Very strong, often stubborn and unwittingly determined, Jean will most times act first before asking questions later, the woman learning from her past that she needs to do whatever she can to survive though she has a base instinct to protect those who are weak and have no skills or methods in which to protect themselves. Usually a very logical person, Jean sometimes has trouble controlling her emotions when things become quite stressful around her. Unlike most who are forced into surviving on their own, Jean is not a natural born healer, becoming quite squeamish and reluctant when it comes to tending her own and the wounds of others around her, instead choosing to focus on things that she deems more important such as expanding her knowledge base by reading. Nevertheless, she knows the basics of first aid, including how to clean and dress a wound to keep it from getting infected and in turn the person getting worse over time. A fiercely determined and resourceful fighter, Jean is easily underestimated by those who stand against her and almost always finds herself in some sort of disagreement with those in positions of authority, using her own resources when it comes to getting through life, showing that she has the true instincts of a survivor. Though seeming confident and calm in most situations she is forced into, Jean has a nasty habit of biting her nails whenever she gets nervous or anxious, sometimes having to force and consciously stop herself from doing so when she is in the company of others. [b]Skills:[/b] An extremely intelligent young woman, Jean has a knack for researching, able to recall almost every piece of information that she has ever read. A great strategist, she uses her talents well and when called upon, catching any flaws in the plans that others tend to more times than none, run by her. Mentally stronger than most and with a peak of durability, it shows that disease and illness rarely affect her in any way, allowing her to keep her keen senses sharp and ready to use at a moments notice. [b]Abilities:[/b] Telekinisis - [i]An extremely powerful telekinetic, Jean has the strong mental capacity to not only influence matter, but to also manipulate and move it with just the sheer force of her mind; the woman, once able to put her full powers to use, is able to "evolve" them to the point where she could control anything at a subatomic level, opening up to her the chance to manipulate an objects physical properties. *Once Jean is able to access and use her telekinetic powers to their fullest extent, she will also have the ability to use: [list] [*] Telekinetic Flight - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean will be able to use her telekinetic abilities to help her fly over vast distances. [*] Disintegration - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean's telekinetic abilities are strong enough to allow her to disintegrate her opponents. [/list][/i] Telepathy - [i]Along with her telekinetic powers, Jean also has the strong ability to harness telepathy, allowing her to not only read and sense another person's thoughts, but to also communicate with them mentally by projecting her own thoughts into their mind; if willing to put in the hard work and dedication into working on progressing her powers, Jean also has the ability to imprint on another's mind, creating a permanent bond between the pair. *Once Jean is able to access and use her telepathic powers to their fullest extent, she will also have the ability to use: [list] [*] Mind Possession - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean will be able to use her telepathic abilities to possess and take control of another person's mind, giving her the power to use that being's body as well as her own against an opponent. [*] Mind Control - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean's telepathic abilities are strong enough to allow her to manipulate the mind of another; allowing her to alter memories, induce sleep, cause paralysis, ect. [*] Psionic Blasts - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean will be able to use her telepathic abilities to create psionic blasts which can induce unimaginable pain, knock out, or even kill the person in which it is directed towards. [*] Psionic Shield - Once unlocked with the rest of her potential, Jean's telepathic abilities are strong enough to allow her to create a telepathic shield to prevent her mind from being read, attacked, or even detected by those who would be able to sense her. [/list][/i] [b]Biography:[/b] Born as the youngest child to a well-off and quite wealthy family, Jean was always lavished in the best that money could buy, the child rarely hearing the word "no" being uttered from her parents lips when it came to something that she wanted. Although raised to be nothing more than a proper young lady by her parents, growing up under the watch and care of her older brother Jean learned from a young age that she would need to learn how to look after and defend herself, both teachings helping her to grow into both a beautiful and confident young woman. Wanting to do her best in what she knew and make her family proud of the woman in which she was slowly becoming, Jean threw herself into her studies, pushing herself and working hard to pick up the many lessons that her mother believed would help her to lead a full and happy life in the future. With news of the ongoing war looming ever closer to American soil, Jean watched as the men she had grown up around were one by one called to take arms and fight for the freedom of their country; the inevitable arrival of two letters to their family home, one for her brother and the other for her father caused the family to part ways with grief, a heaviness in their hearts with all knowing the potential outcome, but none wishing to speak it out loud. This was goodbye. Going with them to the train station, the young girl and her mother waved both the father and son farewell, wishing them a safe return while they themselves reluctantly boarded a train bound for the country fulfilling their promise of remain safe and sound in the company of her aunt and away from any potential threats that could harm them at their family home in the city. Moving into her aunt's home in the countryside, Jean tried her best to take on more of the responsibilities at home, allowing her mother a well-deserved break from having to worry about her daughters care and well-being while still feeling the stress and worry for the son and husband that had been torn out of their lives. Growing into a beautiful young teenager, Jean did all she could to keep her head down and to stay out of trouble, the sweet and charming young woman always seeming to be found in a nice quiet corner of the house with her nose in a book when there was nothing else that could be done; the only true thing able to excite her or giving her any sense of joy being the letters that managed to come for her from her brother on the battlefield. As the years began to wear on and the war becoming more and more dangerous with each moment that passed by, the thought of her usual monthly correspondence from her brother and father had Jean rushing home, the anticipation and excitement of once more being able to hear from them keeping the young woman sane with the knowledge that they were safe. Arriving with the hopes of receiving yet another letter from her brother to add to her collection, Jean instead found her heart breaking apart, her grief weighing down over her shoulders as instead the letter contained a brief condolence and explanation to the passing of her brother who had fallen in battle. Feeling a sharp and excruciating pain shooting through her very being at the thought of never being able to see him again, Jean quickly began to break down, her mental stability failing long enough for what seemed to be a small switch somewhere in the back of her mind to flick over, her emotions tipping her over the edge causing objects of all sizes around the room to shake violently before eventually shattering leaving shards and remnants of different materials littering the room around them. Both surprised and fearful of what they had both witnessed the young woman do before their very eyes, Jean's aunt quickly set to work in taking over the child's life when her mother instead turned to the bottle to cope with the abnormality of her daughter, keeping Jean locked away in the confines of the family home so that she could further the girls education, while keeping her out of the sight and company of those that would tarnish the family name should they ever find out. Through the months of trying to come to terms with the death of her brother and the strange things she was able to do as well as the constant pushing and stressful torment of both her aunt and mother, Jean began to pull away from those that were still in her life, a hatred growing within her heart as she began resenting the hand in which she had been dealt. Suffering in silence for the most part while at other times lashing out and causing her powers to once again flair out of control, Jean took the abuse and slight violent battery that her aunt continued to provided to her, the girl over time not caring as to anyone saw the abuse that she had gone through due to her strange and unexplainable tendencies. The constant brutality along with her now slightly hardened personality causing her to pull herself further and further away from them, their actions causing her to lash out more and more until they chose to lock her away in the isolation that was her room, the two of them not knowing what else to do with her... Until he showed up. Introducing himself as Charles Xavier, a man with the power to help her control her abilities as well as give her a place in which she could live among others who were also special like her, Jean quickly jumped at the opportunity to leave the home which had over the years become her prison. Now existing contently among those who share the mutant gene with her, Jean had found a happy medium between who she used to be and who she is now, the bright young woman only doing what she is asked and which she is required to do in order to keep herself out of trouble. [b]Other:[/b] Jean owns a beautiful [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzt5pj431S1r60zwwo1_500.jpg]heart-shaped locket[/url] which she is rarely ever seen without, this locket was given to her by her brother the day before he was drafted into the war; inside she keeps a picture of him so that she will never forget him and that she can hold him close to her heart. Jean also has a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/474x/d7/1e/c7/d71ec74cdf8acce472404edf8c3d620a.jpg]stack of old letters[/url] which she keeps locked away in the desk in her room, the letters written and sent to her by her brother while he was serving in the war. [/center]