[h3][b]Sato Hashimoto[/b] /// [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4iGZxO-8mw]Warakuma High, Archery Range[/url][/h3] Sato pulled back on the door with his whole weight, grunting with effort to get the incredibly shoddy door to become unstuck and open. It slid to the side with a concerning rickety sound, and light poured into the room. There was late-day sunlight coming from the clouded window to the left of the room but the artificial lighting from the range over-powered it. The boy stepped inside and closed the door, not expecting it to close as easily as it did. A high-pitched voice greeted him with a “[color=palegreen]Hey[/color]”, and Sato’s eyes peered around the room until they landed on Mika standing in front of a bunch of boxes and two seniors horsing around by said mound of boxes. Sato took a few steps towards them, but just as he did, the decrepit light bulb above him turned off and on for a second in a flurry of sparks. “[b]It does that sometimes,[/b]” the angry-looking girl said before pushing the boy next to her back. Sato nodded in response, and looked over at Mika for some kind of explanation. She brushed a strange of hair from her eyes. “[color=palegreen]Thanks for coming, Sato. Sorry for telling you to come to the backroom.[/color]” “[b]It is kind of creepy,[/b]” the senior guy interjected, tossing an arm around the girl. Sato recognized the guy from that one time Rokoru got into running marathon and often ran around the track with him, and he recalled that the girl was one of the members of the archery team that had been there since she was a first year. He presumed them to be dating based on how flirty she reacted to the arm movement. “[color=palegreen]Thank you, Rento.[/color]” Mika glared at him before returning her gaze to Sato’s sharp features. “[color=palegreen]I just wanted your input on something. We were thinking Rokoru isn’t the best fit for club prez right now.[/color]” “[color=skyblue]So… what? Who do you suggest would be a better choice? Me?[/color]” “[color=palegreen]Of course not,[/color]” she replied, giving a smile that Sato couldn’t quite tell if it implied that she was joking or not. “[color=palegreen]I take it you agree with us.[/color]” He nodded. “[color=palegreen]I was thinking that someone like Rento or Hitomi. But not them.[/color]” The two seniors standing at the back of the room nodded in response, and Rento scratched at the practically non-existent hair behind his ear. “[color=skyblue]Okay. So, correct me if I’m wrong, but… You want a third-year that’s been in a member of the archery team since first year? That automatically excludes myself, and you’ve already dismissed Rento and Hitomi—why are they even here?—so what, should we vote you?[/color]” Sato tried to get comfortable on his feet, but after shifting his weight from hip to hip a few times, he found a seat on a strangely hard box resting by the door. Hitomi spoke up first. “[b]Mika told us to be here in case you didn’t agree,[/b]” Rento continued, “[b]In which case we’d beat you up.[/b]” “[color=palegreen]Yeah, a few broken bones would convince you![/color]” She flashed the same smile from earlier again. “[color=palegreen]There’s no reason to set our minds to someone now, and I don’t want to be the leader. And I don’t think Rokoru would appreciate me usurping him.[/color]” She found her way to a box-seat as well. Sato digested the information for a second and thought about what he would do in the situation. But a bigger question popped into his head. "[color=skyblue]Do you like him or something? Rokoru, I mean.[/color]” At being asked it, Mika pressed a strand of hair that fell onto her shoulder between her fingers. She didn’t blush or anything but it was clear that she didn’t intend to answer out of embarrassment. Sato smirked in reply, before standing up and walking over to the door. He tried to open the door and walk out all cool and collected, but the boy’s thin hands struggled to do so. Rento blew air out of his nose and walked over to where Sato stood. Standing on the opposite side from where Sato pulled from, the slightly taller boy pushed the door with his body weight behind it. A crack of wood resounded from it when it suddenly slid completely open. Sato thanked the boy while looking at the floor and took a few steps out, turning around to wave farewell to the other two. As he walked over to the main room of the range, Sato’s mind chewed on what she said. Why they had suddenly decided that Rokoru wasn’t suited for the role of almighty ruler of the archery club, Sato couldn’t guess. Maybe it was because the boy’s enrollment at Warakuma High was being threatened. As he approached a group of guys he knew from his class that were loitering right by the front door (where he’d been just minutes ago), Sato shook the heads from his thoughts. It didn’t concern him. Not that much, at least.