[color=9e0b0f]WARNING: This RP may induce frustration and stress and personal insulting and banter has a good chance of occurring. Please warn me if such a thing is prohibited.[/color] "[i]Politics is the art of the possible. [/i]" -Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck Welcome to [b]Diplomacy: A Game About Friendship[/b]. A game RP where you will take control of one of seven countries to conquer the other six (or just capture more than half of the supply centers). Of course the other six won't just roll over dead for you so it's up to you to force or make them that way. [h2]Map[/h2] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/papersplease/images/a/aa/Pp-map-669.png/revision/latest?cb=20130908214937[/img] Why are we using the map of [i]Papers, Please[/i]? Well I like the game and Europe might be too much for me. [hider=Position Map] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/papersplease/images/c/c9/Blankmap.png/revision/latest?cb=20150313160238[/img][/hider] [h2]Gameplay Mechanics[/h2] [h3]How To Play[/h3] A year is divided into four phases: Spring Negotiation, Spring Movement, Autumn Negotiation, Autumn Movement During a Negotiation phase, it's time to talk to your fellow players via PMs or the OOC. Make agreements, alliances and coordinated movements. Or lie, sow distrust and spread disinformation. Remember, anything goes during negotiation. You can use your admin status to spy on other players' PMs or you can (falsely) announce the treachery of another player in the OOC. After negotiation (or lack thereof), players must submit their orders for their units. After all players have submitted, (at least) 6 hours will pass before the orders will be carried out. You can edit your orders during that period. Orders can range from holding to attacking/occupying. Your units can only move/attack/occupy the position they are allowed to (indicated by black lines in the movement map). [hider=Movement Map][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/papersplease/images/5/54/Blankmaplines.png/revision/latest?cb=20150313160315[/img][/hider] I will post in the IC what had occurred due to the players' orders. If a player disappears during a game, the country he is in charge of becomes free land for the taking and his/her armies will disappear. [h3]Units[/h3] There are three unit types: Infantry, Airborne and Armored Infantry > Airborne > Armored > Infantry (If a fight between units with identical types, tiebreaker will ensue.) Your units' types are concealed from other players. You can reveal/lie about them to other players. When a unit is defeated near an owned position, the player can submit a retreat order where they should retreat to. Otherwise, the unit is destroyed so be careful about sending troops to allies. Each position can ONLY have two units in them. Two units will always beat a single unit. However, a position can be attacked by more than two units in which case the defender automatically loses. If an alliance did it, they must negotiate who takes the position. If two on two occurs, use this as guide: [i]Infantry and Armored vs. Infantry and Airborne. 2nd team wins 'cause their Airborne beats Armored.[/i] Also... [i]Infantry and Infantry vs. Airborne and Armored. Tiebreaker will ensue.[/i] [h3]Supply Centers[/h3] Supply Centers allow the creation and keeping of units. Each supply center allows two units. All countries start with 3 supply centers and 6 units of their choosing. Gaining a supply center during a year will allow the creation of two units which will be deployed in Spring Negotiation at the supply center of the player's choosing. Having more units than the supply centers could allow will result in the disbanding of units of the player's choosing by the time Spring Negotiation comes. If a player has lost all of his supply centers, he/she has Spring Negotiation to get one. Otherwise, he/she is eliminated. (There's always Round 2!) [hider=List of Supply Centers]Arstotzka - Orvech Vonor, Paradizna, East Grestin Kolechia - Yurko City, Vedor, West Grestin Obristan - Skal, Lorndaz, Mergerous Antegria - Glorian, St. Marmero, Outer Grouse Republia - True Glorian, Bostan, Lesrenadi Impor - Enkyo, Haihan, Tsunkeido United Federation - Shingleton, Great Rapid, Korista City[/hider] I... I think that's everything. If I missed anything or if you have suggestions or questions, let me know. For applications, just say in the OOC which country you wanna be but say via PM where your units are placed and what types they are. First come, first serve.